Sonic Fox
2/3 f0xy/DJT
5 Honeybee
I personally enjoy watching Honeybee better. I could be wrong, has
@YOMI MITYEAP even missed a top 8 at any major? I feel as if people always down play him just cause DJT is always ahead of him. MIT plays completely consistent.
@Pig Of The Hut is a personal favorite for being a Loyalist and doing well with with all three variations as counter picks.
Sonic is the clear one, f0xy and DJT are head to head for 2/3 as they are godlike in their own right and same for MIT and Honeybee at 4/5.
@FOREVER KING has great points but very invalid ones too. I would hope YOMI would always be in top 8 considering you're 75% of the big names in majors. You also spend all your time playing MKX so it's only right. I respect your game as a player but not that your character is always who is broken this month.
Wound Cowboy IMO shouldn't have such big talk tho either he's good but to win one major and to boast as if he's godlike is wrong to me. Fox would have pussy whipped him lol.
I'd put my money on King. He wants it more and truthfully regardless if he loses in his top 8s and regardless if he is winning majors he's there everytime and I think is a better all around player.