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UPDATED Top 5 MKX Players - Based off Results & Opinion. King delivers the boot

Haou Shoukou Ken

I am for wine & the company of questionable women
Let's take a look at my tournament results and see how you guys compared. I'm not going to include DJT nor MIT because I personally would rank them higher than myself anyways.

Mike - N/A
King - N/A
REO - 4th
HoneyBee - 1st

Mike - 13th
King - 7th
REO - 5th
HoneyBee - 9th

The Break
Mike - 3rd
King - 9th
REO - 5th
HoneyBee - 5th

Next Level
Mike - 7th
King - 5th
REO - 3rd
HoneyBee - 4th

X Battles
Mike - 5th
King - 9th
REO - 7th
HoneyBee - 3rd

Mike - 9th
King - Dead last
REO - 3rd
HoneyBee - 7th

Mike - 17th
King - 65th?
REO - 17th
HoneyBee - 3rd

I understand that you guys have competed in much more tournaments than myself or the rest of the community in general so you have more placings and more opportunities to place but if we're gonna compare tournament results that we both attended, I'm certainly more consistently in the top. Out of you three, I only see REO as arguably having better results but I beat him at the major I won, outplaced him significantly at EVO, and I'm up 3-1 on him in tournament sets, so I think that's enough to push me past him.

My top 5 are:

1) SonicFox
2) Foxy
3) DJT
4) MIT
5) HoneyBee

If you honestly think Foxy doesn't deserve to be Top 5, you're incredibly ignorant.
Toryuken is NOT a major FailFish


So are you shilling your team or shilling yourself in this thread? No one argues Yomi is not strong here, but Honeybee is hella consistent and strong - asking most top players if not all would agree that he's better than you and results speak for that as well. Honeybee is solid top 5, but I see your arguments regarding other peoples placements and results.
Both. I honestly think the top 5 should be Sonicfox and 4 other Yomi players. That's the tale the last 7 tournaments have told lol.


Reptile / Noob
I don´t really care who is the best. I just put those players i like :)!

1. Wam-Zlay : I love myself! Even if i suck i´m the best imo :D.

2. @Tom Brady : i love his character loyality. Also he does very much for the community and is a nice guy.

3. @Pig Of The Hut : i love his character loyality. Also he does very much for the community and is a nice guy.

4. @rubmytaco : Very kind and helpful guy. I love him for several reasons. 1. He´s european, 2. He plays Sub Zero 3. He´s great . I don´t like that he second mains kung lao though :p

5. @Milkman : Plays my favorite character in the game and places with him top8. Tyvm


Good thing this thread is about opinions, thank you for publicly embarassing yourself and giving me something to read at work. Saying foxygranpa is not top 5 is just wow
Alright nevermind. Yomi hasn't been dominating the MKX tournament scene since day 1 and I don't know what I'm talking about. I'll just keep my mouth shut and we'll see what happens in the future


Soul Stealing Loyalist
Let's take a look at my tournament results and see how you guys compared. I'm not going to include DJT nor MIT because I personally would rank them higher than myself anyways.

Mike - N/A
King - N/A
REO - 4th
HoneyBee - 1st

Mike - 13th
King - 7th
REO - 5th
HoneyBee - 9th

The Break
Mike - 3rd
King - 9th
REO - 5th
HoneyBee - 5th

Next Level
Mike - 7th
King - 5th
REO - 3rd
HoneyBee - 4th

X Battles
Mike - 5th
King - 9th
REO - 7th
HoneyBee - 3rd

Mike - 9th
King - Dead last
REO - 3rd
HoneyBee - 7th

Mike - 17th
King - 65th?
REO - 17th
HoneyBee - 3rd

I understand that you guys have competed in much more tournaments than myself or the rest of the community in general so you have more placings and more opportunities to place but if we're gonna compare tournament results that we both attended, I'm certainly more consistently in the top. Out of you three, I only see REO as arguably having better results but I beat him at the major I won, outplaced him significantly at EVO, and I'm up 3-1 on him in tournament sets, so I think that's enough to push me past him.

My top 5 are:

1) SonicFox
2) Foxy
3) DJT
4) MIT
5) HoneyBee

If you honestly think Foxy doesn't deserve to be Top 5, you're incredibly ignorant.
@FOREVER KING SNAP! ps: while you are at it, can you put me in TOP5 too?
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This "there has to be 4 YOMI players" in the top 5 is baffling. We don't go on your merits as a team (however godlike it is), we go on your merits as individual players. Yes, YOMI have dominated, as you'd expect them to since they're insanely good players. But other than the Terry Brothers, which two players have better individual records than say, Foxy? It's absolutely ludicrous to say "YOMI is all over to 8's, so a YOMI player has to be over him." Well, you guys have like half a million top players. So even when one has an off tournament, somebody else will take his place in top 8 from YOMI. Which means there's always going to be YOMI because they constitute about 70% of legit big guns in most majors (just throwing a number out of my ass). Now, this means they're a great team with both quantity and quality, but you're kinda comparing an individual's resume (again, taking Foxy as an example) to that of a whole fucking team, which is insane, because it's basically one man against a crew. Like, seriously, it's like it's Foxy's record vs. the combined placings of REO, King, Slayer, etc... Even though if you take each one of them individually, he's got a better record than all of them.

I don't mind King comparing his own record to Foxy or Honeybee. There's an argument to be made for consistency. But saying there HAS to be 4 YOMI guys, even if he's just arguing in favor of his friends, is kinda nuts.

Here's an example: Imagine if say, the OKC Thunder are dominating the western conference next year. The All-Star break comes along, and someone claims there HAS to be at least FOUR Thunder players on Team West because OKC have dominated, even though Durant and Westbrook were the ones who stood out and played terrific every game, while the other 3 players took turns playing well on different nights. Yet someone will claim "No, James Harden shouldn't be on the team, it should be someone from OKC because they've been dominant from day 1" even though individually, he's played better than any of the other 3 OKC players and led his team to having a great record.

I know, not an exactly analogy so please spare me the nit-picky differences, but I'm just highlighting a point.
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Ayase Chihaya

Alright nevermind. Yomi hasn't been dominating the MKX tournament scene since day 1 and I don't know what I'm talking about. I'll just keep my mouth shut and we'll see what happens in the future
But not a single person said that Yomi is not strong in this thread, no one said that they're not dominant - but what stops some other 2 STRONG players from being in the top 5? Alright not counting honeybee, but at least foxygranpa is top 5. If you are so obsessed with yomi being top 5 and not look at players individually just fucking buy sonicfox and foxygranpa out of their teams and then you can post that YOMI is top 5 all you want. Then you can make threads with confidence stating how Yomi is top since day 1 and will dominate this game forever, if that'll satisfy you - you may even put it in your TYM signature cause why not?

Here I'll say it again - Yomi is the most dominant team, happy now? How many posts will this stop you from making about the same argument over and over and just ignore what other people are trying to say?


Revenant Jade
This topic is extremely juicy don't we all want to squeeze the juice out so delicious and fruity?

Can we address that certain characters carry the dead weight of a player's skill?

Talk about a character that has ZERO flaws.



This topic is extremely juicy don't we all want to squeeze the juice out so delicious and fruity?

Can we address that certain characters carry the dead weight of a player's skill?

Talk about a character that has ZERO flaws.

Because that's not entirely true.


Lol could you imagine how crazy good the non YOMI competitors would be if they...well also went to YOMI camp and had those exact same advantages of leveling up...think about it.


Lol could you imagine how crazy good the non YOMI competitors would be if they...well also went to YOMI camp and had those exact same advantages of leveling up...think about it.
I'm gonna play Devils Advocate here with this post. No one here who plays this game heavily is a dumbass. We all know what to look for, even myself who has the least experience with NRS games knows what to look for. Learning stuff from YOMI is great without a doubt, but don't discredit yourself either.


This "there has to be 4 YOMI players" in the top 5 is baffling. We don't go on your merits as a team (however godlike it is), we go on your merits as individual players. Yes, YOMI have dominated, as you'd expect them to since they're insanely good players. But other than the Terry Brothers, which two players have better individual records than say, Foxy? It's absolutely ludicrous to say "YOMI is all over to 8's, so a YOMI player has to be over him." Well, you guys have like half a million top players. So even when one has an off tournament, somebody else will take his place in top 8 from YOMI. Which means there's always going to be YOMI because they constitute about 70% of legit big guns in most majors (just throwing a number out of my ass). Now, this means they're a great team with both quantity and quality, but you're kinda comparing an individual's resume (again, taking Foxy as an example) to that of a whole fucking team, which is insane, because it's basically one man against a crew. Like, seriously, it's like it's Foxy's record vs. the combined placings of REO, King, Slayer, etc... Even though if you take each one of them individually, he's got a better record than all of them.

I don't mind King comparing his own record to Foxy or Honeybee. There's an argument to be made for consistency. But saying there HAS to be 4 YOMI guys, even if he's just arguing in favor of his friends, is kinda nuts.

Here's an example: Imagine if say, the OKC Thunder are dominating the western conference next year. The All-Star break comes along, and someone claims there HAS to be at least FOUR Thunder players on Team West because OKC have dominated, even though Durant and Westbrook were the ones who stood out and played terrific every game, while the other 3 players took turns playing well on different nights. Yet someone will claim "No, James Harden shouldn't be on the team, it should be someone from OKC because they've been dominant from day 1" even though individually, he's played better than any of the other 3 OKC players and led his team to having a great record.

I know, not an exactly analogy so please spare me the nit-picky differences, but I'm just highlighting a point.
I mean it's just my opinion. And I have strong opinions. Am I not allowed to think me and MIT have better consistency then Honeybee


YOMI is great. Its awesome. Discrediting non YOMI players with obvious talent without the help of YOMI is just rude.


I mean it's just my opinion. And I have strong opinions. Am I not allowed to think me and MIT have better consistency then Honeybee
Considering I just killed 2 hours at work reading this thread, I thank you for being opinionated. You've made this morning go by like a breeze. This has been fun and hype. I'm also allowed to disagree with your opinion since responding allows me to kill even more time.


Considering I just killed 2 hours at work reading this thread, I thank you for being opinionated. You've made this morning go by like a breeze. This has been fun and hype. I'm also allowed to disagree with your opinion since responding allows me to kill even more time.
Then we can agree to disagree. I guess we need to just work harder at the next few tournaments to change everyone's opinions :)