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* Updated* Roster At Web Has a Visible 26th character?


d2 Spammer
I remember when Injustice 2 was coming out and they added characters to their website, but they forgot to get rid of any of the locked slots, so people started thinking there would be, like, 40 characters on the base roster because "ThIs iS a prOfEsSIoNAl CoMpaNy. It wOUld Be eAsy To gET Rid oF tHeM So wHY aRe THey stILl tHEre?" NRS doesn't have the best website management, the end.


Please tell me when you unlock Rain and Mileena in the Krypt.:DOGE
There‘s still hope for DLC :DOGE

Not for Mileena though, she‘s definitely sitting out. That Kitana mirror dialogue and the Sai is pretty damning.
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