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Unpopular opinion: custom variations is not fun and it is a goofy s**t


Watcher from the sky
16 bit and paulo makes variation for a reason. In variations moves not so OP and all OP moves in custom gear only. Custom variations is Pandora's box. Say goodbye to balance and say hello to MKX-style goofy play


Searching for an alt.
Even if people don't like variations because "only one will be good so it's not a more fleshed out character" that still just puts them in line with all other fighting games, and then we have extras on top of it. I don't see the problem.

Plus this OP is so salty he can't even realize what he's saying contradicts itself. Just complaining about the balance of a beta, so then it's like mkx, which had variations, so obviously variations are the problem. Nope.

Rabid Justice

Your Soul Is Mine
People put way to much into balance. A lot of fun and reward can be put into low tier characters. It really is only a problem when a few select characters dominate the rest.

The custom variation are growing on me. Only thing that i worry about is moves being redunant.

Shark Tank

I don't actually play these games
I don't see the pre-sets being that much different than people using customs.

Some special moves rely on synergy with another to be decent. If there were pre-sets it just means these synergies would be locked rather than players being able to make that decision. Otherwise their pre-sets would be garbled with no synergy or rhyme or reason with the moves and NRS isn't that bad to make dumb design decisions like that.

This seems like either a special move balance problem, or just the variations overall suck ass. I really don't see customs doing something that would be non-negligibly worse than pre-sets. Gutted is probably going to be in a variation. If it is a problem they either nerf it or they put the shitty special moves in that locked variation to balance it(which is mentally handicapped)


Watcher from the sky
Ok, guys.
Careful what you wish you may regret it.
Careful what you wish you just might get it.
See your opinion after few months.


"I wore those colors before you"
Plz someone burn and close this stupid thread, some people complain before even the game comes out.

not cool.
do you guys really enjoy custom variations? i feel like they add nothing to the game. I'm also sure it will be extremly annoying in casual play with friends. imagine you just want to play a quick match and you have to wait for your friend to make his variation.


Mr. Righteous
do you guys really enjoy custom variations? i feel like they add nothing to the game. I'm also sure it will be extremly annoying in casual play with friends. imagine you just want to play a quick match and you have to wait for your friend to make his variation.
Um YES! I use Skarlet and one of her variations only have 2 moves soooo how am I gonna play her in tournaments? Just be at a huge disadvantage because my opponent has all their 3 slots filled and I don't? Thats bull. So i welcome to customer variations because it levels the playing field and makes the game that much more exciting.


Watcher from the sky
MK11 have chance to become serious, clever fighting. But you just kill that game with idiotic coustom variations, when kabal become killing machine with no weakness. You just kill that game, like injustice 2 done, when good general mechanics killed by terrible balance.
I told you - you destroy that game by asking customs in competetive. I hope, NRS doesnt listen you