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Question Unlimited timer

I was wondering what advantages/disadvantages having an unlimited timer brings to the table. The only thing I can think of is that it hurts Raiden lol maybe? idk...


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
if there was an unlimited timer, subzero would suck even more than he already does, considering thats the only way he can win against high tier characters. in general it would make zoning an even bigger problem because life leads would mean nothing as there is no incentive to rush the other player down even if they have the life lead.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
Not only will Sub and Raiden suffer without a timer but it causes the possibility for games to drag on forever with is boring and bad for tournaments.


It would make Freddy - Smoke matches pretty interesting. Where they'd only run away the entire time.


This one's for you
It's crazy how important the timer can be. I remember at Winter Brawl they had the timer upped to 99 seconds on accident and it ended up costing Revolver a match against Khaotik.

I'm really hoping it's available in Injustice because so far I don't think we've seen anything that shows a timer.