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Unique Barraka Bug Adv against Mileena Jail


The world doesn't adjust to you.
Came across an interesting bug that I discussed with the player on how he managed to do multiple times. The bug he says only works against mileena and only when he plays as Barraka.

Essentially, Mileena's 1, 2 (high, overhead, high) should jail before doing 3+4 or whatever you want at the end. The Barraka player found a way to whiff Mileena's 2 (which is technically two hits, overhead then high) in a way here it goes right through the character but doesn't register. He said he essentially ducks first 1, then stands at the first part of 2 and somehow ignored the second part of 2. So, he stands to whiff punish but it somehow makes the last hit of the string miss which he can full combo punish.

He said it is unique to Barraka and every other character gets jailed, otherwise. In the video you'll see it's my very last hit that whiffs that shouldn't and looks strange to begin with. In this instance he flawless blocked but the final hit should have still hit. He did it several times before and after without the flawless block, rendering one of my safe strings useless.

All he is doing is blocking nicely as he should against that string, except he "phases" through the final hit. What do y'all think? Vid below



I can confirm I have seen this happen while I'm playing Baraka vs Mileena. I thought this is was just something that happened with Mileena against anyone lol


The world doesn't adjust to you.
I can confirm I have seen this happen while I'm playing Baraka vs Mileena. I thought this is was just something that happened with Mileena against anyone lol
I've only seen Barraka pull it off and I thought it was a perfect fuzzy at first but it didn't make sense after review and talking to the guy. Dunno if it's a hotbox issue or what, the guy said he can't replicate it with any character but Barraka apparently.

I realize posting this would expose a potential exploit but also the more it's exposed and abused, the more likely it will be quickly patched.