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UMK3 Unlocker 1.0 (MAME/Kaillera)


UMK3 Unlocker v.1.0 by nwo

available for download

>> http://umk3.remz.ca <<

Mame32k .64
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 1.2)
F5 must be assigned to "swap player controls"
You must host an online game with minimum to no lag.

Key Features:
Control swapping for games with 3 or 4 players
Control swapping for 2 on 1 or true 2 on 2 team kombat (with 4 players)
Automatic VS screen kombat kodes
All kombat kodes will work at any swap order (including ultimate kombat kodes)
Unlock the hidden characters with ultimate kombat kodes


As far as hidden chars go, You can use Jugg's hack. All the Big UMK3 players, On kaillera that i know are using it already. I love the swapping however, Because i'm bad at manual swapping.