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UMK3 Tournament Standard Hardware Discussion Thread

Ok guys, Phil and I were talking about this the other day, and I know Shock, Tim, and some others have gotten into the discussion before.

We're at the point with UMK3 tournaments where numbers are getting bigger, more than a couple setups will be required, and MK9 is going to be dropping soon. Personally with the next Season's Beatings event looming at the end of the year, I'm going over in my head what we're going to do in regards to running on arcade, and how to make it work the best way we can.

I think it's time to form a reasonable discussion on alternatives to Mame, using the arcade machines for tournaments, or finding a way to streamline the Mame process to run more smoothly (button mapping, setups, controllers, etc.).

There are a few things in my mind that need to be covered in regards to how we run every UMK3 tourney.

- First is accessibility. Having a setup that as many players can feel comfortable on as possible. If there's someone who wants to play with the arcade layout, PS2 pad, their TE stick, SNES pad, whatever.

- Second would be the ease of running the bracket. Button mapping, time spent setting up each match, getting players in and out of their matches on time, etc.

- Third is the availability and logistics of the version used. Setting up multiple setups, sharing TVs with other games at the event, and providing hardware needed to accomodate the amount of entries. (streaming on different platforms could fall into this as well).

- Last would be the quality of port. Generally our three options (arcade/mame/360) are quality ports and can be adapted to by all of the players high/low alike. But it's worth talking about.

The three options and Pros/Cons as I see them (and what can be done about it):


* The perfect version of the game (obviously).
*The only way some arcade players can feel "right" playing the game *Looks/sounds awesome
*Hype :D

*Availability of machines to use
*Different revisions on the boards
*default layout and sticks are the only control option (without modding) *size/space used, moving to and from the venue, etc.
*can't stream directly to video input in default config
*Only as many setups for casuals as there are arcade machines; less practice available.

My solutions to make it work:
*mod the machine used to adapt with multiple controller types
*add video interface card for streaming
*Create tournament "supergun" consolized setups for use in tourneys to combine the best of arcade/console


*Closest non arcade version as far as how the game plays/feels
*loads of support for controllers
*streaming is easy
*lots of players used to the version already

*Time spent on the button mapping and setting up each match
*Getting multiple PCs with tv-out for use in multiple setups (when that becomes required as tourneys get bigger).
*Having only one or two setups for casuals during or before the tourney.

My solutions to make it work:

*Custom templates and scripts to be able to switch button mapping on the fly without going into the Mame config menus.
*Possibly buying dedicated pcs just for tourney use as mame setups (I can imagine a scenario where it would be nice to have MK9/UMK3/MKII/KI and all games having their own setups so casuals and tourneys can run concurrently and give us more freedom).
*getting a list of compatible hardware as far as what works with PCs out to all the players (for example, early Madcatz PS3 sticks don't work with 80% of PCs out there via USB)

360 Version:

*Virtually everyone has a 360, and while it's not available, most in our community have it on XBL already
*Easiest method to stream
*MKDC/MK9 casuals could be run on same setups (although I don't know if 360/PS3 is the standard for DC. Someone can fill me in)
*x-converters and my converters allow PS2 pads and sticks to be used easily

*No button mapping without modding or custom setup
*Not available to purchase anymore
*Gameplay differences???

My solutions to make it work:

*For relatively little money (compared to the Supergun option above) we can make a custom 360 tourney "kit" that would allow many control types and let any 360 use them. If we get a few of these, we can send them to TOs around the country as needed for them to use in tourneys.

Any other input is welcome and I'll add it to the main post.

For now I'm keeping this in the TO org sub-section, but we can move it to the public ones eventually when we want the general player's input.

I for one am leaning most towards creating a custom Supergun setup and going that route.

I think it's got the potential to be the ideal way to play UMK3 in a competitive environment and combine advantages from each system.

Tim Static

*Different revisions on the boards Not that big of a deal, but if we could get the Jugger hack on some boards, that would rock

Unfortunately that's a lot harder, and not really feasabile. It's possible, but getting people to want to sacrifice their UMK boards to make them bootleg is an issue too.

*mod the machine used to adapt with multiple controller types as long as we can rock the PSX pads, we can do this

We can and should do this to every arcade machine any of us own at some point.

*add video interface card for streaming wouldnt this be a huge pain in the ass?

Yeah, or expensive. I believe there are adapters or boards out there to do it. Prob more trouble than it's worth though


*Custom templates and scripts to be able to switch button mapping on the fly without going into the Mame config menus. genius.

And fairly easily done.

*getting a list of compatible hardware as far as what works with PCs out to all the players (for example, early Madcatz PS3 sticks don't work with 80% of PCs out there via USB) yes, and same with the converters ive been pushing so pad players can get hip to the PSX for cabs.

Yeah, even inpins, pelicans and all of the converters out there are picky. We really need a comprehensive UMK oriented list for compatibility and info for players.

360 Version:

*MKDC/MK9 casuals could be run on same setups (although I don't know if 360/PS3 is the standard for DC. Someone can fill me in) PS3 :/

PS3 port of UMK3 would solve a lot of our problems as well....

*Not available to purchase anymore they will be up soon, hopefully by Xmas 2011

This would solve a lot of our problems. Especially if it fixed button mapping.

*Gameplay differences??? build in button delay ftl

I'd like this both explained to me, and tested seriously. I have tried to feel this, and really can't in single player. In online it may exist, but on my system I don't feel an issue.

*360 reliability issues (RROD)

I would think that someone bringing a 360 to the tourney would be confident that it wasn't near death. And there are so many around it's not really an issue. So for that reason I'm not worried about this.

My responses to your responses in that purty blue color.