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$ UMK3 Kaillera Tourney $ WINNER TAKE ALL

Sorry forgot. Yeah I'm in.

Hey you guys play on xbox live right? Can you send messages to people on there? Maybe next time you're on you could plug our tourney on there to a few people. Maybe get some more sign ups.
I would like to participate and the 5$ fee is not a problem. I know for a fact that I am donating $5 to dreamcatcher or juggarnaut cause there is no way i beat them, or anybody else for that matter. Fact is i still owe dreamer some money for a bet we made on umk3 some time back. Dreamer plz pm your paypal email so I can payup. look forward to getting my arse kicked ;D


EFL Founder
Since no one has given any input about other forms of payment (besides Yamaraja) this tournament is going to be free to join. Not really enough time until Saturday night to accept all payments, unless they were all Paypal, and I know that's not going to happen.

I'll post the bracket very soon. Tourney starts at 7PM ET Friday night, and will continue on all night until the winner emerges.

The bracket is here http://www.bracketmaker.com/tlist.cfm?tid=341607

One spot left if someone wants to jump in there.


Arcade Tech
ive been having trouble getting kaillera to run w/out randomly shitting down so hopefully some one can host p2p or i can get lucky and sign in with out probs.......we shall see


EFL Founder
Ram said:

7 PM? At what GMT?
Fixed the bracket link. That time is U.S. Eastern, 7ET.

Set up your matches with your opponent ahead of time if you can, preferable using this site's shoutbox/chatroom. You can also use the GW server itself.

Strict DQ's will be handed out, probably an hour given per round so we can bang this baby out all in one night.


Btw, tell me this time's certain GMT, please. If you can't tell me your time at the moment.
So tourney will begin today?


The finals were me vs Birkin.

Birkin - 10
Juggs - 8

Of the 18, I used Human Smoke 16 times. Robot Smoke once (on accident), and Jax once. He used Nightwolf about 10 times, Human Smoke 5 times, and Kabal 3 times.

The first 13 matches were very laggy, and then I lagged out. I was winning 7-6 at that point. I came back and it wasn't as laggy. Birkin won the first match to make it 7-7. Then I won to make it 8-7. Then Birkin went on to win the next 3. He used Nightwolf, Kabal, and Human Smoke. He didn't win with Kabal, and he only used him 3 times. Our Human Smoke mirrors were really close, as were all the matches. I don't think there was a match where either one of us didn't win a round. The matches went back and fourth until it was 8-7, as I said he won 3 straight.

Hopefully we can play again with less lag, but the games were very fun. My connection will always suck on Kaillera, since I run it on wi-fi on my laptop. Anyway, GGs to all that I played.


EFL Founder
OJuggernaut0 said:
The finals were me vs Birkin.

Birkin - 10
Juggs - 8

Of the 18, I used Human Smoke 16 times. Robot Smoke once (on accident), and Jax once. He used Nightwolf about 10 times, Human Smoke 5 times, and Kabal 3 times.

The first 13 matches were very laggy, and then I lagged out. I was winning 7-6 at that point. I came back and it wasn't as laggy. Birkin won the first match to make it 7-7. Then I won to make it 8-7. Then Birkin went on to win the next 3. He used Nightwolf, Kabal, and Human Smoke. He didn't win with Kabal, and he only used him 3 times. Our Human Smoke mirrors were really close, as were all the matches. I don't think there was a match where either one of us didn't win a round. The matches went back and fourth until it was 8-7, as I said he won 3 straight.

Hopefully we can play again with less lag, but the games were very fun. My connection will always suck on Kaillera, since I run it on wi-fi on my laptop. Anyway, GGs to all that I played.
Good shit man. Thanks a lot for playing it was great to have you be a part of it. I knew you guys would be a good matchup. :)

And don't worry about the wi-fi, sometimes I have to do the same thing.

You guys will probably like what I've gotten cooking for next time...wait and see. ;)