View attachment 22398You got clowned in front of thousands of umk3 fans and more than 30 liked lmaoo unreal sucks to be bass…jeezy the snowman
First I am retired from UMK3 I have not played this game in over 3 months and will not be back.
I am asking you right now to leave me alone, this nonsense you are posting is not current and its edited down footage not showing the real gameplay designed to do nothing positive other than cause harassment or alarm.
The only reason you came on to this site is to stir the pot and attempt to harass me, because of Brandon.
I highly suggest you stop on this site or any other site.
I do not care about game videos, it does not bother me the constant stalking needs to stop from you and anyone else that is involved in this.
I do not play umk3 anymore and with that being said any attempt to harass me will be taken out of the context of the game.
I could say some really nasty things that are very personal, but fortunately for you on this website I have to behave myself because I have a level of respect for
@Juggs and do not want to have to force him into dealing with this autistic degenerate behavior.
You want to pick a fight with me and talk shit dont be a passive aggressive uncle tom and file privacy complaints to take down videos of me showing the real truth of you getting destroyed.
I am well aware this is all spurred on by Gokuren because I exposed his RAPE charges
He lost the war and he is trying so hard to cause drama with this team of minions, I suggest you leave me alone because I will not keep it MK and I will get wives kids employers or whatever other personal shit outside of this website and UMK3 involved until you decide to stop. This goes for you or anyone else. You have been warned, back the fuck off.