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General/Other U+3 Bug


It could also mean Skarlet's u3 puts her in a neutral jump state (just u), while Kitana's b2 is a generic jump state (all of ub/uf/u) while Mileena's u4 never puts her in a jump states at all, you're just inputting up.

Changing Skarlet's u3 from a nj state into a generic jump state like kitana's b2 would fix the bug.

It's just theory, I also think it's probably not supposed to be that way.

you can cancel the slide directly into an upslash or downslash. probably a side effect of being able to cancel the dash into the slashes.
Seems like that should be a good combo starter.


It's not a bug, it's a feature!

But seriously, this is exactly right. If you don't get it, or still think it's a bug, read it again. The U+3 is a neutral jump attack, which is why she can do either of her two air knife attacks after.
It's a bug since a dev said it's a bug in this very thread.

Regarding U+4 for Mileena and why she can't cancel: the only negative to that move is its slowish startup. Suppose you could just cancel it all the time to air sai which gives advantage on block (Skarlet's projectile however, does not). You know how broken Mileena would be if she could cancel up 4 into sai? You couldn't even attempt to duck the sai as you might get launched instead because of its long range.


okay just to clarify which part of her red dash is a bug? is it red dash into upslash/downslash or is it red dash :bk into upslash/downslash?