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TYM's 100 Must-See Movies

That is your opinion and not a fact, Sinister contains jump scares, so what? it is a part of the whole horror genre.
Me and my friends like to watch bad horror movies and play a game while doing so.

The game plays as follows:

1) Whenever there's about to be a jump scare, take a drink
2) Whenever our prediction was right about the jump scare coming, take another drink

I was drunk by the end of Sinister.

It's not a mere coincidence that the best horror movies out there are devoid of jump-scares. They aren't that lazy when it comes to horror that they'll just "play a loud sound herp-derp". The Shining, and The Exorcist were devoid of jump scares.


Divekick x 1000
This is turning out to be an epic list.

I'll suggest a few more I'm surprised people haven't said:

- Collateral (2004)
- No Country For Old Men (2007)
- Heat (1995)
- American Gangster (2007)


Plus on block.
Kung Pow: Enter the Fist

That is actually a must watch.

apocalypto kotal kahn is in it good movie loved it.
I agree, I loved that they took a very old and kind of cliche plot and put it in an entirely unexplored and unique environment.

Protagonist's people are hurt, family is in danger, protagonist must go on a grand journey to save family.

They went with such a cool way to go about expressing that premise.

I also loved that the Natives didn't have perfect skin and teeth, which is a pet peeve of mine in period pieces.

If you're story takes place before serious dental care or modern medicine were wide-spread, your characters should look like it.