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TYMers > Randoms


PSN: MyronJ906

Mileena (Ethereal) and Sonya (Demolition), soon to be working on Kung Jin but it'll be a while. Just send an invite, if I'm not busy I'll join, if I am I'll just ignore it lol


I play a lot of randoms online and would prefer to play more of you crazy bastards. Add me on PSN or Xbone, TackyHaddock8, and let's get some games in. Also, I can add you if you leave your gamertags below.

I have played a few of you before, including getting mopped up pretty decisively by @zoofs , but would like to continue the trend. In terms of skill, I'm somewhere between decent and somewhat above average, lightyears away from God tier. But I will play anyone and am not a ragequitter :D

Additionally, if anyone is passing through the Boston area, let me know, you can swing by for some offline games.
add me to xbone, i used to go to framingham locals, might again. im from nh


Gito666... IF you're on a good, wired connection
None of that will matter if your ping to one another is atrocious. Just an FYI.

To be on topic: Feel free to add me on PSN: Eldriken.

I'm taking a break at the moment, but I'll start playing again eventually.


Salty Mashers Krew
None of that will matter if your ping to one another is atrocious. Just an FYI.

To be on topic: Feel free to add me on PSN: Eldriken.

I'm taking a break at the moment, but I'll start playing again eventually.
Good stuff - you mentioned before that you play Jacqui, right? or am I mistaken
I had no prior sonya mu exp especially demo and was thrown off by a lot of nonsensical online stuff but its cool we can get the runback anytime
It's cool I really didn't mean anything by it. We had a pretty shitty konnection:( I'm game for a run back anytime tho!
PSN: TodaysAgenda

I'm not going to front like I'm even remotely good, but I've decided I want to take FGs seriously and actually level up. Down to play sets and learn as much as I can


PSN: TodaysAgenda

I'm not going to front like I'm even remotely good, but I've decided I want to take FGs seriously and actually level up. Down to play sets and learn as much as I can
Haha, I wouldn't even worry about it. We're in about the same boat. I'll beat some people, you'll beat some people, some other TYMers will absolutely wreck us but that's half the fun. All of the real stuff comes down to offline anyways. Online is only even remotely good for spotting the things you might need to take into practice and figure out how to escape.

Tony at Home

potentially dumb question that someone may know the answer to that I am too lazy to google - can you use the same cable for a wired connection for both Xbone and PS4? I'm going to pick one up this week.
Yes. Ethernet cables will work for both.

I highly recommend you get one. They are dirt cheap, and wireless is a tremendous amount of unnecessary latency compared to wired.