That was beat ass 'n nuts!GTFO of here you downplayer! She's top 2, no doubt, in the game (and that's me being generous to the downplayers out there). Why, you ask? Well, let's run it down:
and just to add a cherry on top
- Top 3 damaging combos (probably higher, but I know baraka and geras have some big boy damage too)
- Arguably best zoner (top 3 for sure) and can outzone even characters built to stop zoning with a kb attached to it that does 240 damage (as much as some characters bnbs lmao)
- Near 500 damage fatal blow combo meaning, she's literally never out of a round/match
Basically a hyper rushdown character with ridiculous damage can ALSO force you to come to her which should be a big no no for a character that's so good when they're in your face. That's called not having any weaknesses. As much as I hate jacqui, that's how you need to do a rushdown character. They should have to work to get in, not, you work to get in and then be outclassed there as well. That's just herp levels of derp.
And that's without even mentioning the 50/50, but I omitted that due to what I'm about to say:
It's absolutely not all on the character and her tools. The absolute biggest reason why I, myself (not sure about anyone else), struggle with the matchup isn't really any of that. It's I don't know what her strings actually look like, so I never know when she's going overhead or low. All I know is what B1 looks like and I know the overhead can come after that. Then there's a bunch of kicking strings that I don't know the properties of so don't know where they will hit. Basically I just try to fuzzy and hope for the best. Aka, I need to lab like @sub_on_dubs was saying. I just hate labbing lmao
Think their name is @EMPRESS_SunFire . Could be wrong tho.
Either way, their Jade/Skarlet are so good. They get me hot.
Labbing her is essential, I need to do it more for sure, but now that Rakeem plays her it'll help. Her damage is still too much, regardless of MU knowledge or not. Onion rings need to be slower, 100%. It's so damn annoying to fight her as Kano, but the moment I have her in my arms, I think to myself "y'know Kano, that was worth it," as I amplify lumbar check and stick knives in her back, as she deserves.