Things that should return
- Front Page News Threads
- Stream Links
Outreach to other communities outside MK. This could easily fill the void left behind by SRK with a little outreach and support. (ie post here instead of blathering on Twitter and discord )
So just an update on those two things:
1) As far as news, the tricky thing is finding people who are willing to make updates consistently. As you know, I took it upon myself to handle most of it for a number of years and write articles to support events in our scene, as STORMS did before me. But overall, it's a thankless job, and when editors become busy with life, there aren't a lot of people who are willing to vounteer to do it for long stretches unpaid. Especially if the responses are mostly negative rather than constructive.
The best thing people can do if they'd like to see something done in their community is to contribute themselves — and that's why I'm here. Because I saw that Storms needed help so many years ago, and I volunteered to pitch in myself. It'd have been easy to just lurk the site and complain, but becoming part of the solution was the best thing to do. When TYM's new layout was unusable on mobile for many people, I went through the code to make the fixes myself. So there might be future writers here, but somene's always needed to actually step up and take on the task.
2) The stream links are missing because TYM runs on a platform (XenPorto/XenRio) that was built and maintained solely by Jaxel. When Jaxel went off the rails with his string of problematic behavior, there was no one else to provide updates to those XenForo plugins to make them compatible with Twitch's newer API. And the current owner decided that it'd be ok without. So they may need to be replaced entirely, which means significant changes to the layout.
I bring these things up to say that there's always a bit more to the story, even when we'd like to have those things as much as you would. But moving forward, if there are new resources there might be new solutions.