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Tech Trait Combos and HM set ups


Day 1 Phenomenal Teth-Adam Player
Turns out you can actually trait in between combos midscreen. After a b3 you have the option to trait immediately or dash in d2 trait and still continue the combo. It is quite strict if you are not used to it, not to mention the fact that it may be character dependent, because 11 whiffs on some after trait and d2 does not hit on others.

After AA d2 midscreeen it is also possible to combo, for a great amount of damage meterless. In the corner d2 aa works and so does f3 into d2 trait.

See the video below for examples

At the very end of the video I included a bonus, which is that you can punish with a cross up j2 into 112. Done at the earliest frames it is about 11 frames (3-4 frames for forward jump and 7 for the j2) It only comboes into d2 or f22 if done deep, which requires about 20 frames for the d2 and a bit more for f22.

And here is the full notation plus damage

B3, trait, 112 AT 33%
B3, trait, 11 HM, 112 AT 43%
B3, trait, d1 HM, 112 AT 39%
B3, dash d2 trait, 112 AT 29%
B3, dash d2 trait, 11/d1 HM, 112 33%
AA d2 trait, 112 AT 24%
AA d2 trait, 11 HM, f223 HM 35%

AA d2 trait, 112, 112, 112 AC 41%
F3 d2 trait, 112, 112, 112 AC 42%

My next topic is a guaranteed way to set up HM grab from a hit other than f22. You can grab someone at the exact moment they recover from hit stun and they cannot jump or duck it. For some reason they can backdash the grab, so you have to mix it up with normals (f22 and b2 are good for catching them). Video below shows that I try everything and cannot escape except with backdash. Pay attention to the direction I was holding after getting hit by d1.

Here is a list of normals that grant enough advantage on hit to attempt a HM grab excluding f22.

d1, 11, b1, f1, 2, j2, j1,

Each string requires a different and very strict timing for grab to combo. Like my previous tech, it takes a lot of practice to do consistently.
In the corner you can attempt to punish their backdash with a 112, and it works depending on the character you are playing against. Against Superman, Batman, Batman, and Deathstroke they can block in time but Shazam and Ares cannot.

I apologize in advance if this was already known.

EGP Wonder_Chef
TKT ZigZag

Darth Mao

Your Tech is Mine! #buffRaiden
With the next patch may be possible to execute this HM setup in midscreen.

Very good job, Vocket. Congrats and thanks for posting, this will help me with my Shazam.

Darth Mao

Your Tech is Mine! #buffRaiden
Oh yes, I have a question: I'm at work so I can't test this now, but is it possible to execute these new combos after other starters or only when used b3 as starter? For example, it would be possible something like j2, 22~HM mb, b3, trait, 112~AT?

Thanks in advance :)


Day 1 Phenomenal Teth-Adam Player
Darth Mao you can actually do HM b3 trait and still combo. The timing is ridiculously tight though I could do it once out of twenty. And you can do the HM set up midscreen :). Maybe f1 and 2 pushes them too far to hit at max range.
This is great! You can also do f2,2, bb MB, trait, 112 torpedo for 35% and 39% with a ji2.

edited: You can also do, f2,2, bb MB, trait, 11, HM MB, 112, torpedo for 44% and 47% with a ji2.

44%-47% for 2 meters midscreen BUT you do have trait on for at least 6 or 7 more seconds after the entire combo, what do you guys think?

Ok edited again: Didn't realize bb MB took away 2 meters hahaha 3 meters for 47, not worth it imo.


I like the hm after a d1 hit confirm, but the hm input of dbf doesnt make it a viable tactic for me. Id be guessing the d1 would hit and so i'd dial it in. The trait mid screen after a b3 is awesome but I dont think i have ever used a naked b3 with shazam, ever. You can do it after a mbHM b3 with d1.


Day 1 Phenomenal Teth-Adam Player
I like the hm after a d1 hit confirm, but the hm input of dbf doesnt make it a viable tactic for me. Id be guessing the d1 would hit and so i'd dial it in. The trait mid screen after a b3 is awesome but I dont think i have ever used a naked b3 with shazam, ever. You can do it after a mbHM b3 with d1.
You could also use d1 or 11 as 6 frame punish instead of a hit confirm from a poke


Ruthlesss Mayhem
You could also use d1 or 11 as 6 frame punish instead of a hit confirm from a poke
2 hitconfirm to HM is awesome. though been missing some of it (still trying to get used to it) but its a really good option, due to its range and startup.

can catch a lot of d1 :D


Day 1 Phenomenal Teth-Adam Player
2 hitconfirm to HM is awesome. though been missing some of it (still trying to get used to it) but its a really good option, due to its range and startup.

can catch a lot of d1 :D
Yeah its pretty hard to do, but I have actually hit confirmed a d1 on hit to a HM online (I have not thought of using 2 though it is our best mid so I might start doing it). I hope the new shazam buffs that include increased HM range also increase its active frames so that it catches back dashes


I got no time for whining!!!
@Vocket When using the b3 trait tech it matters if the opponent is in a crouched state or a standing state. While in a crouched state the opponent falls short of the mark for a 112 or d1. You can however use f1 or HM


D1 hit confirm into HM is pretty much the best thing ever. I feel like this will become one of Shazams strongest tools in high level play. Everytime you land a D1 (6 frames, advantage on block), you force your opponent into a safeish 50/50. In the corner, you're pretty much guarenteed a combo as soon as you land a D1. I feel like this tech should really have its own thread and it should be stickied to front page.

Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using Tapatalk 2


Day 1 Phenomenal Teth-Adam Player
D1 hit confirm into HM is pretty much the best thing ever. I feel like this will become one of Shazams strongest tools in high level play. Everytime you land a D1 (6 frames, advantage on block), you force your opponent into a safeish 50/50. In the corner, you're pretty much guarenteed a combo as soon as you land a D1. I feel like this tech should really have its own thread and it should be stickied to front page.

Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using Tapatalk 2
Whoa man thanks you got me inspired. I have a was busy with school and depressed over wiiu not being patched but I'll go ahead and make my video listing showing each normal and the timing required to link into HM.

It also includes a bonus part with j3 option select that makes ambigious crossups able to go into another 50/50 if they block the j3.