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Toryuken shoutouts


Come On Die Young
on a serious note, even though i wasn't there, shoutouts to those amazing matches in top 8. Smoke was amazing, and of course maxter and reo. milky it was cool to see you make it out there, it was a nice surprise since i know you don't make it out to tournaments much, grats on top 8.


Mid Tier
my point of view is, if you won't say exactly what you would say to someone to there face in an internet post, then you just shouldn't talk in these things. And we all know that just wont happen.

Altaire just be humble about this weekend, take your lumps, recover, and do better next time.

Everyone learns from mistakes, in game and in life.

I really didn't think you would be on the forums this fast shit talking people man, just tone it down man or people are gonna be blowing you up for the rest of time.

Lets move on guys,

Good example of forum/internet/texted convos compared to face to face stuff is ;
Wasn't JamesMK suppose to punch someone in the face on the weekend?

Long Live MK


Mid Tier
on a serious note, even though i wasn't there, shoutouts to those amazing matches in top 8. Smoke was amazing, and of course maxter and reo. milky it was cool to see you make it out there, it was a nice surprise since i know you don't make it out to tournaments much, grats on top 8.
Man, and people didn't even see the kids Kabal, it was absolute top shit too, 2NDC like a crack head. If this kid sticks around this comunity he's really gonna make some noise when he gets older

I was really happy with how chill the VSM dudes were man, such cool guys

Tag with Claude Vita and Soup was a highlight for me, I just couldn't stop laughing, it was a great time.


Focused Grace and Intensity
Wouldn't be a Toronto tourney after math thread w/o big arguments. #CdnMK



Altaire talkin shit? much love but know your place bro
Dude, what did I even talk shit about? Hell, I flat-out admitted my performance was disappointing and that I need to do better next time. I don't know why anyone is talking like they could've expected a top 8 placement from me at my first major, but regardless, I probably could've done better. Peanuts and Bluenine both played well and I won't take anything away from them, but I did make some really dumb decisions.


Alright, I'm just going to get my shoutouts done and out of the way.

Straight away: NeoRussell, for all the work he did running Toryuken. You poured your heart and soul into this tournament, and it shows. I was really impressed with how smoothly it all went, and pretty much everything ran on time for the most part. Your match with Insuperable in pools was also one of the hypest sets I've ever seen. Anyone who wasn't there has no idea just how much they missed out on, because I doubt any of us will ever see Jade beating Kabal ever again. All in all, I have nothing but respect for your work at this tournament. It's too bad you didn't get another crack at my Noob for a Canada Cup salty runback, though. :p

Jimmypotato and STB TakeAChance: Thanks for having me over on friday. I had a fucking blast drinking and playing casuals with you guys. Shoutouts to hitting up the liquor store once, drinking all of our alcohol and then going back for seconds. Christ, what a night.

Temjiin: Uh, wow. For all the bickering back and forth we've done over the past four or five months, I can honestly say you're the shit. Your Reptile really impressed me, and it's really too bad we didn't have time to get more games in. I do feel a bit cheated with you refusing to say "tough titty", though.

LolingOctopus: It was great meeting you, man. Your Jade was fun as hell to fight. I look forward to seeing more of that the next time I come out that way.

Jer: Good games, Frenchie. Show that hitbox some love.

Maxter: Holy shit, where do I begin? Great games. Babies. Throwing change in a trash can. Organic beer. DON'T DO IT AGAIN. God, so many golden moments. I can't thank you enough for coming. It was great meeting both you and REO. I look forward to running into you again at Evo.

Playpal: Good shit in the 8v8. You repped Canada hard. I didn't get a chance to play you, but I was seriously impressed with your peformance. Hopefully, I can get a crack at that Cage next time.

REO: Altaire gives REO a shoutout? FRONT PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE!

Milkman: I don't even know what to say, man. I tried so unbelievably hard to drag you up for that tournament, and I'm so glad you made it. Friday night was fucking CRAZY, and it was nice to actually get a chance to run some sets without all the input delay for once. Above all that, you have no idea how hype I was when you made top eight. I told everyone you could be placing at majors if you started going to them, and you did exactly that, in style. I can safely say this weekend wouldn't have been half as fun if you hadn't been there. Shoutouts.

Also, I lost track of the amount of times you told me "There's no way you're going to eat all that". Fucking pussy. The blueberry pancakes you weren't man enough to finish were fucking DELICIOUS.

Claude VonStroke: Nothing like what I'd heard, at all. You were chill as fuck in person. It's really too bad I never got a chance to play you, but it was fun being on commentary with you for five whole minutes!

jamessmk: Man, what an anti-climactic weekend. I was expecting at LEAST one of us to go to the emergency room. Really though, it was good seeing you. Thanks for the games, thanks for the talks, and thanks for the beers. Til next time.

blueNINE, thanks for putting me out of the tournament, asshole. Seriously, good games. I want another crack at that Lao when Evo rolls around!

MK Peanuts, thanks for putting me in losers so Bluenine could put me out of the tournament, asshole. Your Liu Kang really impressed me. I really regret changing characters, but what can I say, your play was solid. You earned that win. Congrats on winning Skullgirls too, the stick they gave you is fucking gorgeous.

xSMoKEx: Holy shit, you cleaned house at this tournament. I'd heard of you from Detroit, but I had NO IDEA you were going to Toryuken (or that you were even Canadian, for that matter). I also had no idea you were fifteen. What in the actual fuck? You look older than I do for christ's sake. Anyway, big ups for making third at Toryuken. Your match with REO was unbelievably hype, and after your performance, NO ONE can say Canada is free in MK. For that alone, you have my utmost respect.

I don't think he has an account, but @Helios: It was nice meeting you, dude. The match with your Lao had me sweating. As SOON as you went for him, I thought "FUCK, why didn't I go to hidden select before I picked Sub?" Also, that diamond shirt was just way too good to be coincidence. We definitely need to play more whenever I'm in Toronto next.

I feel like I'm missing some people, so if your name wasn't listed, then I'm sorry. I have nothing but good things to say about pretty much everyone I met at Toryuken (yup, I really just said this), so uh... Shoutouts to everyone who didn't get a shoutout.



Sorry this took me so long to make everyone, I have been so busy this week I haven't had a second to myself between work and everything...i got over 200 diamonds...i mean e-mails in the past 2 days!

That being said, I'm sure I will forget someone the first round of writing this so I will come back and edit it lol...waaayy too many shoutouts to give, not enough diamonds!

@Neorussell- This Guy. What can I say. You run a tight show and its an honor working with you and training with you. How can I ever repay you for what you have taught me and involved me in? Diamonds wouldn't even cover it.

@Shady- Thank you so much for your help running those brackets. I could not have done it without you. Well I could have, but it would have been alot more difficult
You get a Diamond Star. Stay Free. Fgt.

@jamessmk- It was awesome to see you again dude, and it was SO awesome that you 1) made it all the way up for Toryuken 2) that you decided to stay for night number two (Couldn't have had you leaving thinking diamonds are forever...) and 3) that you beat REO the MK champion in handball. I’m glad you liked the flight attendant. When we walked in, I saw her and immediately was like...YES. I talked to her before you got there and was like “You see a dude with Blond hair come in – a puckered old hack – go talk to him. He’s going to like you alot. GODLIKE.

@Maxter– Man, thank you so much for bringing all your guys up! It was aweosme chilling with you, and I had some good times chatting with you and james and the crew during that legendary Tim Horton’s visit. It’s a shame your hotel was so far away from the downtown core...I mean, I know you said the rooms were overpriced downtown, but I mean cmon...its not like they cost diamonds or anything
Hope to see you again soon, I’ll have to make it down to VSM and see you guys sometime soon J

@REO– Congrats on your win man! Thanks for coming up to TO and chilling with us, it was cool seeing you with your crew in my city lol. You have to come up again soon. I heard you mention the lack of trophies. I will see to it we have one next year. It will be in the shape of a diamond.

@Insuperable– awesome finally meeting you man – vggs in the 8v8, enjoyed that thoroughly J Next time make sure you bring more than PJ pants bro, we gotta get you out :p I mean those Pj pants were godlike and everything...they were plaid if i remember correctly, lots of squares and diamonds.

@Claud Von Stroke – Troy the fucking ninja lightfoot. This man is on point. He’s also very light on his feet. One minute he’s there, the next he’s gone. Truly amazing. Dude the laughs. My god. I wouldn’t trade these memories for 200 diamonds. Glad you had a good time in our city, hope you come again soon!

@Milkman- You are SO cool...and your laugh is the most infectious laugh I have ever heard in my life, I was in pain from how much I was laughing this weekend. And talk about keepin it real. Dude loves is milk. Probably lost your shit when you saw me pull that bag of milk out of the fridge. The way you were holding it...precious...like a diamond.

@xSMoKEx– Damn man. Just damn. You got some serious skills, and you wowed everyone there, those smoke resets were diamond tier. Canadian Curbo ftw J Look forward to seeing you more at casuals, we could all learn a thing or two from you!

@VIDA– You played so well this tournament man, really proud of you, you deserve a diamond. Keep up the good work with Kitana, and I want to see some more smoke from you, especially given what we saw from xSmokex J

@Hussler– Awesome showing for your first MK tournament – glad you got some tips from MK Peanuts, he’s like a diamond mine of Kang info. Keep up the good work, and see you at casuals J

@LolingOctopus– Thank you for letting me use your car. It was key. You are a chill dude, and I always enjoy your company when you come to Toronto. Thanks for keepin it classy bro...not glassy like a diamond...classy. Just wanted to make sure you knew what I meant. You know. In case you were confused.

@Jer– always good chillin with you man. Legit sorry if you had any problems with the brackets, I did my best to make sure everything was fair and the tournament ran as smooth as a diamond. Lookin forward to MAT.

@zaf– thanks for making an mku account J But you’re a dick for saying what you said on TYM, especially considering i put you up this time and previous times when you come to TO. @Insuperable , @Jwong and @maxter are all very tough opponents, those matches were harder than a diamond, and yeah I may jump more than most, but most people I talk to said I played well..then i find out you’re dropping Ermac? Pshhh...I smell the ocean...

@Akuma– Good shit man, you have leveled up ALOT – we’ll see you soon bro. Good hangin out with you for the brief time I had between bracket stuff, I had more things to do than a diamond has faces.

@w1nter warz– awesome job beating Justin Wong, you avenged me J Nice showing in the tournament, thanx for helpin get those VSM guys up here by keepin it real. OG for lyfe lmao..diamond stylez.

@STB Jimmypotato– Dude, it was aweome meeting you too, that first day was so funny you were trashed giving Amedeo tips against Noob talkin trash and shit lol..and then that last night out in the street until god knows when howling and laughing about the ridiculous amount of diamonds this weekend lolll good times man, see you next year J

@Helios– thanx for all the help training all those weeks before Toryuken – and for helping to get our new MK players in the scene up to speed. Sub-zero is not as tough to beat as you think he is, you just have to learn the matchup, and find something that works for you. If not, there are always diamonds.

@STBTakeAChance– Man lol...the memes the memes!! Some of those pictures are fucking GOLD...DIAMONDS even. I really haven’t laughed that hard in years, and that jade was nice, as was the canadian ‘scene’ stick of yours J

@STB Temjiin– good meeting you as well man – so many laughs lol, cool tats, very nice reptile, 200 of diamonds.

@STBripcrowley– Sorry we didnt get to chat much man, but ggs – that nightwolf trashed me, did you diamond
plate his axe or something!?!

MK Peanuts– Awesome seeing you again dude, and congrats on your Skullgirls win! Saw your name up there, MK prefix and all as winner! Diamondlike! We’ll get our matches/my runback someday soon...EVO if nothing else J

blueNINE – Daaaaaaaaaaaaaamn – good seeing you again after MLG Columbus, why do all the godlike conversations happen in Tim Hortons? Its a Canadian Tradition...just like diamonds are a wedding tradition. Daaaaaaamnnnn.

@DanX4– Dude, good seeing you again too, sucks you left so quick, I think you would have had a good time out with us...I mean damn, who doesn’t like diamonds anyways?

@Altaire– I don’t even know what to say other than...diamonds are forever. Ultimately, every man reaps what he sews.

That’s it for now. This tournament was absolutely insane, so many good times, so many stories (well over 200), and all around an experience worth more than its weight in diamonds...