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Top Injustice quotes


Waiting for Havik
Thinking of Black Adam, his opening line speaks a lot more than it suggests.

His old origin was that he was transported millions of miles away in space by Shazam. And all this time he was flying in space, pissed off trying to get back.

That's what we see in his opening. Adam finally coming back from 5000 years, being pissed off, flying alone in space and the first thing he does is fight some random guy.
"I have returned" will be a classic in the future, I bet that... plus his animations, the way he invoke his rays, etc all fit him very well, a very good job from NRS... especially compared to the DLC fiasco ;_;


RM Phanatic
Batman: You just made a serious mistake.
Bane: Not as serious as yours, I fear...
Batman: Bane
Bane: Let us not stand on ceremony, Mr. Wayne

Batman: You were excommunicated... by a gang of psychopaths!
Bane: Oh, you think darkness is your ally. But you merely adopted the dark; I was born in it, moulded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but BLINDING!
Bane: The shadows betray you, because they belong to me! *Throws Batman* *Starts to beat him in a pulp*

Oh wait this still a injustice only thread? Gotdammit someone make a all purpose thread :(

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
1) How about an arrow up your ass? - GA
2)I'll bring you the gift of pain -DS
3) "Wanna know what's next?" - Cyborg "You're humiliating defeat" - DS
4)I enjoy hurting you -DS
5)You're easy money -DS
8)Yellow is power! - YL (reminds me too much of Nacho Libre's "Summon your eagle powers")
9)I have this dance! -Joker
10)"Atlanteans are superior" -Aquaman "Not to an Amazon" -WW


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
All of the trash talk that Green Arrow says to Grundy... he even says it mid-match lol

Something like "Arrow man YES hurt Grundy" lmao

Also... Flash vs GL

Flash "I'm faster than light"
GL "Not this light!"


Slaughter is the Best Medicine
Anything Grundy or Green Arrow says.

Nightwing: "Wanna order Chinese later?"
Batman: "Focus, Dick!"

Harley: "I love a good cat fight!"
Catwoman: "You won't like this one."

Ares saying "Unhand me!" when he denies a grab.

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
- No escaping fate! Doomsday to Superman
- Arrow man yes, hurt. Green Arrow to Grundy
- Only a fool would challenge me at my own game. Ares win quote
- Here comes the hot sauce! Nightwing (Damian) Clash quote
- Do you prefer steel or lead? Deathstroke clash quote
- Yellow? Really??? Green Arrow story quote
- I would spit on your tomb! Black Adam clash quote
- How about an arrow up your ass? Green Arrow clash quote
- "You're not invincible!" "Actually, I am..." Aquaman/Ares clash

Here comes the hot sauce


I'm a real pain in the ass, huh?

Superman vs Shazam clash:
"It doesn't have to be like this Billy!"
"Don't call me Billy!"
Love your shoes.