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Top 5 Overrated/Bill of Goods variations


The Ignore Button Is Free
I guess I'll say mine

1. Cryomancer Sub. How can this be his best variation lol? There's nothing to fear and he loses his trapping capabilities. I actually laugh when people pick this variation lol

2. Jason. I just don't see the hype at all in any variation. He's fun to watch and play but idk...I just don't see the hype.

3. Ethereal mileena. I love mileena to death and this is my favorite variation of hers, but it's just not as good as people make it out to be. Ex fade is good and all but it costs meter, meaning she's highly meter dependant. It doesn't have the versatility of the other two as well

4. Stunt Double Cage. It's just damage. That's it. A-List is far superior.

5. Ninjustu scorpion. I just don't see what's so good about it. It's so bland and it's not as versatile as the other two.


Do not provoke a god
I can really only think of flame fist liu kang for now. I was about to be like "inb4 someone says cyber Kano" but of course on the 2nd post of the thread someone says cyber kano



That Welsh Guy
To be quite honest though i'm surprised anyone would call Flame Fist "overrated" I thought people only played it because they sucked to much to play DF like me.


This is my billionth life cycle.
Cmon guys. You speak English. You know the difference between the words "rated" and "played". You shouldn't need to ask these questions.

My top 5 overrated, in no order

Mournful Kitana. This is one of those "better on paper" variations at surface level. RS is much better IMO

Heavy Weapons Jax. Ain't touching pumped up from my perspective but it's whatever

Grandmaster Sub. I mean he's undebatably in the bottom half of the cast, talk about premature nerf whines from people unwilling to level up lol

Outlaw/Marksman Erron Blac for my #4 and 5. The character is nice. But he's not Kung Lao, Predator, Shinnok, Tanya, Cassie, Liu Kang, Raiden, Dvorah, or Quan Chi. So he's barely top 10 at best, and that's being pretty rough to Sonya and Jax. I see people behaving like he's undeniably top 5 or higher, and I know it's because they lost to him.
No one with half a brain says erron's top 5 anymore. The only problem is many of TYM's posters lay within that demographic, continue to get hit by the low of f13 and scream that 21122 is overpowered.


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
No one with half a brain says erron's top 5 anymore. The only problem is many of TYM's posters lay within that demographic, continue to get hit by the low of f13 and scream that 21122 is overpowered.
Pig of the Hut made a status like 3 weeks ago saying anyone who thinks Erron Black ISNT top 5 is a complete moron. Then he said Erron is #3. This was very recent, and there has been no patches since then. Then the next day, footage was posted of him getting absolutely wrecked in a FT20 by a good Erron Black who outplayed him fair and square. This is what I mean when I say the only people who think this, are the people who are salty as hell.


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
Some characters have 8 frame standing 1 as fastest jab they will trade with dragon roar at the perfect frame, 1 frame slower they will get hit by the dragon roar. So low pokes is the better option for them but using d3 d4 means that if they try to interrupt the gap they won't be able to do full combo.
About Jacqui, her fastest armored reversal hits high. The other armored moves are too slow, I'm not sure if they can punish WP into ex shaolinferno (if they can't then using them is a terrible option). Not to mention Liu parry can rape all of them, and a whiff parry seems to be safe against Jacqui because her low starter is too damn slow
So what? It gets them out of pressure, that's the point of interrupting them in the first place. Use the hit advantage to then apply your own pressure or get better positioning.
So what if it hits high? If she's going to armour through she's going to use it to armour and switch sides to get out of the corner. If the opponent tries to duck it they're then opened up to BF2 and BF4. It's all in the guessing game. And her low looks slower than it is, it's 16 frames. Even so, as I said, low pokes give hit advantage which she can then use to switch sides and/or apply her own pressure.
A very reactable armoured launcher with a massive whiffbox. Not sure what's so great about F122 , I honestly think vanilla F12 from the other variations is better.
I've never seen it whiff before, it's never whiffed when I've played as Cryo and I've not seen anything about it whiffing whether it be a video, thread or anything else on here so it can't be as big of a problem as you're making it sound. Even if it is reactable it's still safe most of the time so who cares? F122 is a safe hit confirmable meterless launcher that can be cancelled which is more of a big deal than you might realise. What do you mean vanilla F12 in the others?


My blades will find your heart
This is actually pretty tough lol

1. Master of Souls Ermac- Even though hes a vortex character its an unsafe vortex in a game of safe 50/50s and vortexes.

2. Brood Mother Dvorah- Krawler setups are a bill. Shes basically Swarm Queen with a decent projectile(which she doesnt need when puddle trades with everything for a full combo).

3. Balanced Kenshi- Is not viable at all. If you lose to Balanced it is 100% your fault.

4. Bojitsu Kung Jin- I think Shaolin is much better.

5. Relentless Jason- As hype as it is I dont think its nearly as good as REO makes it look.


War God
Don't ppl have to actually think these variations are good for them to be overrated? I'm seeing a lot of random shit being mentioned.


My blades will find your heart
Don't ppl have to actually think these variations are good for them to be overrated? I'm seeing a lot of random shit being mentioned.
If they put it in this thread then they've probably heard someone say its really good lol. I know ive heard people upplay all mine.


Publicly Educated
So what if it hits high? If she's going to armour through she's going to use it to armour and switch sides to get out of the corner. If the opponent tries to duck it they're then opened up to BF2 and BF4
ex BF1 whiffs when Liu Kang does low fire ball, the recovery on whiff is terrible and Liu can full combo punish
ex BF2 and BF4 is too slow, it fails to punish WP xx shaolinferno or parry. This is the worst situation because Liu can punish her for most damage
It looks like you have no idea how bad Jacqui armor moves are or how terrible that matchup is. Our conversation should end here


I am like the blue rose
You can write shorter post like this: That gotcha grab is awesome and much better so I play PU. Check the frame data please. It's punishable on block ONLY in pumped up. Also Jax main power comes from trapping people in the corner. That's why most Jax players choose other two variations over pumped up.
I'm sorry. Next time I won't type out a detailed response, and will simply state that I think Gotcha is better. That way, you don't have to read. How considerate of me!

Anyways, there has to be some consequence to doing twice as much damage as regular Gotcha and restanding with advantage. In this case, it is an additional -5 on block. I cannot even remember the last time my Super Gotcha has been punished on block. Why? Because high level players look to neutral duck it. If they blocked it, it usually means they made a bad read, and are therefore unlikely to counter. If they duck it, they get a full combo punish. Which applies to Jax's Gotcha in any of his variations.

Instant Air Ground Pounds are also a thing. And regular Ground Pound in Pumped Up low profiles most of the games mid projectiles, including HW Jax's rockets and Reptile's forceballs.
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In no particular order:

Covert Ops! Sonya - honestly, her other two variations are considerably better. Her 50/50s don't have risk/reward skewed in her favour to the extent that many 50/50s in this game do, and her parry likewise. Compare that to the insane pressure and damage she can get in Demolition, or the space control se gets in Special Forces, and overall it's definitely not as good as it often made out.

Outlaw! Erron Black - well, Erron Black in general really. He's a solid character for sure, but nothing he has is really that overwhelming.

Full Auto! Jacqui - the fact that it's orders of magnitude better than her other variations doesn't make it better than lower mid tier at best. Gunshots can be ducked and you get a free run/forward dash, and she still has her usual massive flaws of a terrible wake-up game, awful range etc. I will grant, however, that Full Auto! Jacqui is hella annoying to play against online.

Kobu Jutsu! Tanya - Like Erron Black, a solid but honest character who's interpreted as overpowered by many. Her pressure is only guaranteed to be safe with meter, and there are gaps that can be exploited.

Inferno! Scorpion - admittedly there are some characters that definitely struggle against him, but if you have good mobility he's not that hard to get in on. Like Full Auto! Jacqui, still very annoying to fight online.


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
ex BF1 whiffs when Liu Kang does low fire ball, the recovery on whiff is terrible and Liu can full combo punish
ex BF2 and BF4 is too slow, it fails to punish WP xx shaolinferno or parry. This is the worst situation because Liu can punish her for most damage
It looks like you have no idea how bad Jacqui armor moves are or how terrible that matchup is. Our conversation should end here
Clearly you don't know how mature discussion works because instead of thinking about ALL the options she has you're just deciding to insult my intelligence when I'm the Jacqui main and not you. I know how bad the matchup is and I'm trying to describe to you what options she has but you have your mind made up thinking she has literally no options because of only some of the situations you've thought about.
She doesn't HAVE to armour out, she can also just jump out remember or poke. She can even interrupt some things with normals since she has a 6 frame standing 1.
You also thought her B3 was slow so if anything you're the one that doesn't know the matchup.


My blades will find your heart
Kobu Jutsu! Tanya - Like Erron Black, a solid but honest character who's interpreted as overpowered by many. Her pressure is only guaranteed to be safe with meter, and there are gaps that can be exploited.
This is straight up untrue. B1 2+4, 112, 34, and b31 are all safe pressure strings you can use. Plus she can make almost any string safe with a tele cancel or cancel into EX tonfa. She can alternate whether to use stamina meter or super meter, and build the other while she is using the former(not many characters can do that). The only reason Tanya's pressure is slightly overrated is people can mash armored reversals if you do stuff that has gaps, but if you have enough super meter and stamina meter you dont really have to worry about that either.

I also lol'd at her being "honest". She is in no way honest.,


Publicly Educated
Why? Because high level players look to neutral duck it. If they blocked it, it usually means they made a bad read
You cannot neutral duck gotcha grab, or most quick high special moves cancelled from a block string. Have you seen anyone neutral duck Kitana's fan from a typical string like F112 fan (Kitana players repeat this all day, watch any SonicFox, Kitana Prime match videos). If you release block you get it by it. Everyone has to block the gotcha grab and against pump up they can punish it.