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Top 5 Fighting Games of All-Time


Searching for an alt.
Pure favoritism, fun idea

GGXX: The Midnight Carnival
Third Strike
Tekken (that's right OG tekken 1)
Smash Bros 4


Where the hell is Reiko's wheel kick
Tekken 6
3rd strike

if only MK9 received a few more patches... it would be...


This dream has a sad ending
Haha yea she was stupid good back then. These youngins have no idea what "S Tier" is when they post their MKX Tier List.

Though I can't talk being that my main team was Kula, Athena, and Whip. -.-
foxy, whip and angel :/
I think i win the award for bigger scumbag then you do lol


Hmm. That's a tough one so no particular order.

Vampire Savior
3rd Strike
Virtual Fighter 4 EVO
Soulcalibur V
Super Turbo


Kitana, Scorpion
Honorable mentions to Vampire Savior and TVC btw. The former I didn't play too much but the little I played I loved and the latter is an incredibly underrated game plagued by balance issues - i.e. Zero.


100% Jamaican
Bloody Roar: Primal Fury - who doesnt love a nurse rabbit that juggles you like a football..
Soul Calibur 2 - Talim (the only female character deserving to use tonfas #fucktanya) + Kilyk
Naruto Accel 2 - I use to go ham in this game
- Gai OP? lol
IGAU - Catwoman Bae
Mortal Kombat X and Friends - sigh


Not in order...well it is chronologically but not from favorite to least lol

Mortal Kombat (1992)
Mortal Kombat 2
UMK3/MK Trilogy
Mortal Kombat (2011)

Though Primal Rage, Mace:The Dark Ages, Soul Calibur 2, and Shaq Fu are up there as well XD


Does anybody remember the game Thrill Kill?
Yeah, I know all about it. The one where all those sinful people fight against each other to get some wish or some shit? The endings always turn out bad lol. Game got pulled at the last second by the publisher or some shit because it was too controversial, I remember downloading the version the developers released because they wanted people to actually play the game they essentially finished. It wasn't bad, it really didn't seem too gruesome or anything. Not much more than MK.


PSN: Skkra
In no order...

1. Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection
2. MK2
3. Super Turbo
4. Marvel vs Capcom 2
5. Project M (yes, im taking P:M over melee because its so gloriously BALANCED)