Everyone talks about top 10 characters overall but who are the top 3 for doing what they do best? (My list is based on online experience) Please post your thoughts and opionions as well
My opinion for top 3 Rushdown is
1. Doomsday - As an online player i hate the earth shaker, it may be easy to block if he just does d1 ES but if he mixes it up with other strings it can get annoying, his trait is god like if used correctly (obviously) and if he lands a MB venom you get sent to the conrer for more god like pressure
2. Batman - His trait. Hes always safe (except slide). Jump 2.
3. The Flash - OMG dash. Once hes in hes in his dash is God like and can get 60% from a d1. He to is safe on everything and can keep pressuring you with no real risk. Also you cant MB B3/F3 as he can hit you 20 times in the matter of seconds and he can punish zoners from 3/4 of the screen away into a 30%+ combo LOL
honorable mentions: Wonder Woman, Bane, Catwoman
Top 3 Zoners
1. Cyborg - Instant air fire balls. Iv only played one person who used this and i panicked also he can just do regular fire balls that hit mid and chip away and you are forced to make a move not to metion he gains meter so fast and can hit you out the air on reaction
2. Sinestro - His fear blast and boulders. His fear blast hits mid but can be ducked when about half screen unless you are Lex
seriously the only reason i put him here is because of his trait and a bit of MB fear blast but his trait basically controls you lol and if he finishes a combo with trait he can regenerate a new one depending on what character you are. Now for the MB FB the fact that in can be delayed is great as you can shoot it and catch your opponent dashing in with the MB for 2 extra hits 
3. Martian Manhunter - Now this is debatable but IMO hes up there. Pillars, Telekinetic Strike and Orbs and may be some teleport. His Pillars are really good especially the MB version which tracks the opponent and hits them at thier max jump hight that can lead to combos and setups. His telekinetic stike is decent as it hits overhead and the MB versions is really good and practially covers the screen with strikes and deal decent damage. Finally his orbs 2 can be on screen at the same time and stop the opponent from getting in. The MB version blows up when the opponent touches it so its a brick wall for them and you can keep zoning while they try to dodge the setups
honorable mentions: Deathstroke, Superman, Raven
My opinion for top 3 Rushdown is
1. Doomsday - As an online player i hate the earth shaker, it may be easy to block if he just does d1 ES but if he mixes it up with other strings it can get annoying, his trait is god like if used correctly (obviously) and if he lands a MB venom you get sent to the conrer for more god like pressure
2. Batman - His trait. Hes always safe (except slide). Jump 2.
3. The Flash - OMG dash. Once hes in hes in his dash is God like and can get 60% from a d1. He to is safe on everything and can keep pressuring you with no real risk. Also you cant MB B3/F3 as he can hit you 20 times in the matter of seconds and he can punish zoners from 3/4 of the screen away into a 30%+ combo LOL
honorable mentions: Wonder Woman, Bane, Catwoman
Top 3 Zoners
1. Cyborg - Instant air fire balls. Iv only played one person who used this and i panicked also he can just do regular fire balls that hit mid and chip away and you are forced to make a move not to metion he gains meter so fast and can hit you out the air on reaction
2. Sinestro - His fear blast and boulders. His fear blast hits mid but can be ducked when about half screen unless you are Lex

3. Martian Manhunter - Now this is debatable but IMO hes up there. Pillars, Telekinetic Strike and Orbs and may be some teleport. His Pillars are really good especially the MB version which tracks the opponent and hits them at thier max jump hight that can lead to combos and setups. His telekinetic stike is decent as it hits overhead and the MB versions is really good and practially covers the screen with strikes and deal decent damage. Finally his orbs 2 can be on screen at the same time and stop the opponent from getting in. The MB version blows up when the opponent touches it so its a brick wall for them and you can keep zoning while they try to dodge the setups
honorable mentions: Deathstroke, Superman, Raven