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Top 10 highlights from Mortal Kombat tournament in Paraguay, South America


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The South American fighting game community is often over-looked but it's the constant reminders that we are given that makes us realize how strong they really are. In the country of Paraguay the Mortal Kombat scene is still going strong in the month of July, 2013. In their latest tournament that took place on the 28th they have compiled a video showcasing the top 10 highlights of the tournament. The highlights consist of player names in which some of us have heard of, others we have not. Check it out and see how the competition has been fairing down south.

Source: nemesiswar01
Credit: ETCMcFlyChile



Thanks for posting the video of our tournament STORM and Thanks for the support ETC CHILE!...Greetings from Paraguay :D


Hello gentlemen! Yours the creator of MK Warriors Py! It's a very nice gesture on your part to publish the highlight of our last tournament! We are very excited here in Paraguay that from one day to another through the video we met people from other countries for first time, the video has more visitors every day, and is too good and now thanks to you, we will learn more countries and who knows whether or not a chance to play among countries

Believe it or not I had thought that this would be the last tournament of the community, but to see that more people are going to know I doubt that is the last

User really great maid STORM, ETCMcFlyChile, nemesiswar01 by this, honestly means a lot to us, and MC FLY ... hopefully someday we can play a few fights, no one knows what could happen haha

Notably deeply appreciate the work of my dear friend Mr Bunji he is a very dedicated to what he likes and is someone very famous among fighting game community here in our country.

Greetings from Paraguay warriors! for anything you want to know or ask just write!