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Guide - Kobu Jutsu Tonfa Swipe


I am trying to perform Tonfa Swipe which the third and meter burn after Tonfa slash.

It's pretty tricky though.

First I think you have to press df2, df1, df2 then meter burn but when I try to input the second combination it registers as Tonfa throw instead. Are there any Tanya experts that can help?

New York Pizza

I am trying to perform Tonfa Swipe which the third and meter burn after Tonfa slash.

It's pretty tricky though.

First I think you have to press df2, df1, df2 then meter burn but when I try to input the second combination it registers as Tonfa throw instead. Are there any Tanya experts that can help?
It's not a meterburn it's an EX input. So after tonfa slash press df(2+EX) -> at the same time.

For performing tonfa swipe into the second rekka, you're correct with the inputs. There's no delay between each rekka, so right after you press 2 you should be pressing df immediately then 1 and so on. Before trying to get to the third rekka, just practice the timings of the first 2 in practice mode (both on block and on hit), then once you're comfortable with the timings of the first 2 the third should come naturally.

So the timing of inputting the rekka raw vs as a cancel are different. When you just press the first rekka input raw, there's no delay and you can just continue immediately with tonfa slash and so forth. When you're canceling the rekka after a string (112~ tonfa swipe for example), for the most consistent results wait until the string finishes until you cancel the first rekka, that way there's no delay. The most probable reason you're getting tonfa toss instead of the second rekka is that you are canceling the first rekka too early. Yes it's true that you have all the time in the world to cancel the first rekka before any string finishes, but the second rekka won't come out unless it's accurately inputted AFTER the first rekka appears, meaning the animation of the first rekka has to conclude first BEFORE you input the second rekka.

I'm very elaborate naturally sorry if this was story time
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It's not a meterburn it's an EX input. So after tonfa slash press df(2+EX) -> at the same time.

For performing tonfa swipe into the second rekka, you're correct with the inputs. There's no delay between each rekka, so right after you press 2 you should be pressing df immediately then 1 and so on. Before trying to get to the third rekka, just practice the timings of the first 2 in practice mode (both on block and on hit), then once you're comfortable with the timings of the first 2 the third should come naturally.

So the timing of inputting the rekka raw vs as a cancel are different. When you just press the first rekka input raw, there's no delay and you can just continue immediately with tonfa slash and so forth. When you're canceling the rekka after a string (112~ tonfa swipe for example), for the most consistent results wait until the string finishes until you cancel the first rekka, that way there's no delay. The most probable reason you're getting tonfa toss instead of the second rekka is that you are canceling the first rekka too early. Yes it's true that you have all the time in the world to cancel the first rekka before any string finishes, but the second rekka won't come out unless it's accurately inputted AFTER the first rekka appears, meaning the animation of the first rekka has to conclude first BEFORE you input the second rekka.

I'm very elaborate naturally sorry if this was story time
Oh wow thanks so much. I mastered Tonfa Strike with using all the rekkas. I learned a lot of new ter,s while reading this, like I looked up rekka and found out it's short for Rekkaken, which is a street fighter move in which Fei Long executes 3 punches in a quick succesion. I didn't know about EX until I re or the tutorial that on the actual game, but after enhanci g to fa swiped the three moves became 10 Times easier to command. I guess I'm gonna have to find that 'sweet spot' in order to get TF to come out, but for now the enhanced version will kinda be my 'training wheel' for the rekkas. Thanks again.