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TOAD 3D is back


Ok i was gone for some time (personal issues) and now i am proud to be back. If you know me great! plz feel free to send me a friend request so we can play some UMK3 or maybe some other xbox games. If u don't know me the you can still send me a FR and we can play. I haven't played MK in a looong time so forgive me for playing like a "scrub". So hope to play with some old friends and some new ones good luck to all. Have a good one...

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
damn there is alot of people here from Ohio.

I smell a Buckeye UMK3 tourney in the near future :D
Whats up man. I remember you being an animal back when the game first came out. You were doing the Kung Lao Inf before I remember seeing anyone doing it on live.

Throw me an Inv sometime


^^^thats a zero not an O.


Tim Static said:
damn there is alot of people here from Ohio.

I smell a Buckeye UMK3 tourney in the near future :D
good, I live in Kentucky, less lag when closer :twisted:

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
Iori9 said:
Tim Static said:
damn there is alot of people here from Ohio.

I smell a Buckeye UMK3 tourney in the near future :D
good, I live in Kentucky, less lag when closer :twisted:
Not always true.

There is a guy I work with and he lags on me all the time when we play Halo 3. It just depends on your service & equipment.