1 2 3 drink
Its perfect the way it is now
And this is what I dislike on SF4. Should I use my meter for Supers or for extending combos? The meter management in SF4 is old fashioned, cause there is no management. There are a lot uf Super setups which are completely unrelieable for matches with low damage output. The Super meter is used for FADC Combos or trading (fireball wars). By separating the meters, the ultra becomes a huge comeback mechanic. The meter in MK9 or IJ us fine, best thing, you can steal it and this limits the options of your opponent."There are better uses for meter than a super move." That statement is at the heart of every player and it shouldn't; thats why i proposed a SEPARATION of meter building actions. One for METER BURN USAGE and one for SUPER MOVE USAGE. Thats all. Again, sorry if I was not clear. Again thoughts on this reality.
This. It was an annoying comeback mechanic that would really suck in injustice considering the armor on so many supers.Just to clarify, SF4 does not separate Super Moves from the Meter Burn/EX moves. It works exactly the same way as Injustice. Four bars of meter, and a Super Move that uses all four bars. You're thinking of the Ultra mechanic, which is a separate meter that specifically fills up WHEN YOU LOSE. It's a very horrible comeback mechanic system that has, and I'm not exaggerating, turned off every SF2 fan I tried to get to play SF4 with me. They fundamentally hate this idea (as do I, but I wanted to give the game a shot anyway).
Holy %$&# - TL;DR: The TL;DR is mostly the stuff I bolded, but here's a summary. If they lower the scaling on super moves, will we really want to spend 4 meters on a super move just for cool 60% combos? Does it create interesting gameplay to easily do that much damage? Is it worth it to wait an entire fight to save 4 meters just for that? As the game stands right now, it has such a great meter management system, except for super moves. Should we then add utility to super moves to make it worth spending 4 bars of meter on them, such as making all of them unblockable, to create interesting gameplay patterns that are exhibited in all other forms of meter management in the game right now? I personally don't know yet.![]()
So what they've done, is provided excellent cinematic Super Moves for more casual players to ooh and ahh over, and yet provided serious players with -far better- uses for that meter, so that super moves are barely even used (if at all) in high-level play.
I'm actually extremely impressed with what NRS has done and the balancing act they've achieved.