here's the updated run down... Also is there enough to do a MK9 team tourney on Friday?
Serenity Games and HI Gaming presents: St. Petersburg Showdown Championships.
Hampton Inn St. Petersburg Suites Downtown
80 Beach Drive NE, St. Petersburg, Florida 33701
(727) 892-9900
$15 door fee for the event
SUPER Street Fighter 4 AE Singles(360) - $10
- 2/3 Rounds 99 sec
- 2/3 Matches, 3/5 for Winners,Losers and Grand Finals.
- Double Elimination
- Winner keeps same character, Loser May pick a different character
- Winner may change Ultra but must choose before Opponent picks their Ultra.
MVC3 (360) $10 entry fee
- 2/3 Rounds 99 sec
- 2/3 Matches, 3/5 for Winners,Losers and Grand Finals
- Double Elimination
- Winner keep same team and assists/assist order
- Loser may change Team/Assists
MK9 (PS3) $10 entry
-2/3, rounds 90 sec
-2/3 Matches, 3/5 Winner, losers Grand finals
All DLC's will be allowed
UMK3 skin Cyrax, MK2 skin Smoke are both banned
Kratos is Banned, The stages Chamber of the Flame and The Street are banned.
Garou: Mark of the Wolves (arcade) $5 entry fee
- 2/3 Rounds 60 sec
- 2/3 Matches, 3/5 for Winners,Losers and Grand Finals
- Double Elimination
Breakers Revenge (arcade)
- 2/3 Rounds 60 sec
- 2/3 Matches, 3/5 for Winners,Losers and Grand Finals
- Double Elimination
CVS2 (arcade) $5 entry fee
- 2/3 Rounds 99 sec
- 2/3 Matches, 3/5 for Winners,Losers and Grand Finals
- Double Elimination
SF3 3s: OE (360) $5 entry fee
- 2/3 Rounds 99 sec
- 2/3 Matches, 3/5 for Winners,Losers and Grand Finals.
- Double Elimination
- Winner keeps same character, Loser May pick a different character
- Gill is banned
Payout is 70/20/10 for all tournaments
- Doors and casuals open at 2PM
- 3v3 Teams MvC3 starts at 4 pm
-3v3 Teams AEStarts at 6 pm
- Venue closes at 10PM
- Doors and casuals open at 10AM
- Sign-ups from 10 - 15 minutes before tournament begins
- MvC3 Singles start at noon
-CVS2 Singles start at 1pm
- Mortal Kombat Singles start at 2PM
- SF3: third stike: OE singles start at 2 PM
-Breakers Revenge starts at 3PM
- SSF4AE Singles start at 5PM
-Garou starts at 6pm
- Venue closes at 10PM
Join us for a night of music, drinks and games at Cafe Alma after the tournaments are over. Cafe Alma is three blocks away for the Hampton so you have no excuse not to join us.