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Tips for staying motivated?


BFGC | Station
How do you stay motivated? Lately I have not been having fun with MK at all and I don't know what to do. I consider myself very good at this game although lately not because I just can't seem to get into it. I've beaten my fair share of top players and won my fair share of local/regional tournamet and I feel I'm one solid grind sesh from being able to compete for top 8's but I'm slowly losing motivation. I'm the only full time MK player in my scene, others are half invested, so I have no one to grind with me or push me to stay hungry. With the recent drop of SFV I'm starting to see improvments in that having more fun playing it. Having a big SF community with good players for SF is keeping me interested as well. I love MK though, it is my favorite game. Any advice on how to stay motivated!?
Teach me how to get good :D

If you get bored of something, maybe try helping others getting better? If they're interested, of course. I used to play Smite at a very high level before I quit it because it wasn't fun for me anymore, no more motivation, but I enjoy explaining the game to newcomers.


My blades will find your heart
With the improved netcode you now have the ability of getting better without having a solid offline scene so I would start there. I would also recommend getting involved in some of the competitve opportunities ESL will bring because if nothing else you are competing for money which can definitely help motivation.

I would only recommend taking a break if you are legitimately getting burnt out on the game. But from your post it seems like you're just lacking competitive opportunities, which I think ESL and the new netcode could help with.


PSN: ADM_Wolverine
For myself, when I'm not feeling motivated I either play another fighter in which I know I'll most likely lose but have fun playing. Which reminds my why I play MKX, to just have fun... If the fun factor isn't the issue, and it's the lack of partners to level up, I find people I enjoy playing with and who are often better than I am.


The Fantasy is the Reality of the Mind
This happens a lot. You just got burned, thus your motivation dropped down. Play another game or go out with your gf or watch a movie. Do anything to help you forget it for a while. Consider it a break time. Once you feel like it, you'll understand that your motivation returned back on top.

Don't know what do I mean?

When you see that you can't defeat any game's final boss, you tend to get angry and stop it for the day, and then you try it again the next day once your mind got cleared and you were well rested. This is what I mean about motivation. The more motivated you get, the more burned out you might be.


NRS, Guilty Gear, and KI, the holy trinity
I have a similar problem, although not really, I really want to play mkx but I've been having so much fun playing killer instinct, I'm learning so much in that and I love learning in fighting games, but I also really want to get back to MK since I also have a lot of fun there and I want to be able to get in top 3 at my local


I know this might not be the answer you where looking for, but I suggest getting into a new hobby even a new game. then you'll see a friend playing the game and you'll want to play it again. Plus you'll have a new experience from the new hobby/game to talk about.