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Tips and tricks to kaillera gameplay in Mame32k 0.64


I'll post some of i consider that can be helpful sometimes.


*The size of the of the record kaillera file (.krec) approximately satisfies this relation: 0.1 MB = 5 mins of gameplay, for example 0.8 MB = 40 minutes (typical kaillera server duration before lags) this can be used to make some useful calculations.

*You can open the .krec file in a text editor (i.e. Notepad) and looking for a relevant word of the chat like i.e. "Great playing" This can save time if you can associate a phrase to a played game to record.
And also you can calculate aprox in what minute is using the previous calculation. If the files is 0.8mb =40min and the word is in the middle of the text you have this on 20 minutes aprox.

*If you want to record the clean gameplay without annoying/irrelevant chat you can set the fastest speed thereof in this place


* When you playback a imput to record a video the windows size is smaller that should be so you dont have all the resolution in the minimized windows. You can use this soft https://mega.co.nz/#fm/iANGjKxZ but dont set to 400*254 because it counts all the borders too, you should set the game resolution 400*254 plus the borders its like 416*292. Save this preset and when open mame32k to record right click and use it. Now you can record the full resolution avoiding graphic video game or chat distortions when you manually resized the window


*You can use command "/msgoff" in general chat to avoid annoying guys sometimes.

*When you play on Windows 7 (normal O.S nowadays) you have some troubles, due to the longevity of the emulator (2003):

*The graphics looks awful so you can put Properties-- Display -- Choose your Desktop resolution with 60 hz
and in the box Rendering check "Adjust Aspect Radio" "Hardware Strech: x4" Full Screen : Check Triple Buffer and Wait Vsync.
Now you have a good looking full screen mode but when you close mame with kaillera it carry graphic glitches in Windows so you can close session after play or push the Windows button to lag the gameplay (whit this a error windows appear and you dont have the Windows Graphic Glitches, now you only have to wait a few to close the mame windows)


*Maybe with a good pc you can record directly a video instead of imput but this can be heavy sometimes
* I dont know if is possible to do fast fordward in the playback with function buttons.


I didn't figure out how to record .krec files until after I switched to MAME 0.119.

I haven't used MAME32k .64 one time in over a year, it just has way too many problems and if you're on an OS newer than XP it's really unacceptable.