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Timing trouble

Deadly Torcher

King Dingaling
Would it have been a bad thing to have had a visual counter on the screen in practise mode to make you aware of the timing of certain moves? ie, I'm having a bit of trouble using using both Hellfire Scorp & TG Raiden, with Scorp its 214 FA 214 tp, now for the life of me I can't seem to hit the 2nd 214 as often as I like due to not having a clue about when to input the buttons. I've been practising for a while now & I'm no closer to knowing the timing of it, its the same with Raiden, I've hit b14 LBC but have no clue as to when to input the Run to follow on the combo, the CPU always seems to be able to block the 214.

I think if they brought something like this in for future MK's then a lot more ppl would play the game for longer than they do & it would make some characters that don't get picked due to difficulty more useable.

This makes me sound noobish but I thought it would be a big help to all of us that aren't hardcore, pro MK gamers like a lot of you are.

Anyway, is any1 else having trouble with certain moves due to timing & could have used a visual aid??


I'm not sure what type of visual aid they could implement that would help, I guess they could show some sort of indication for when a character is in/out of recovery, or when a move becomes cancelable. Dunno.

Anyway, the character animations and sounds are typically what I rely on for.. errr, aids. With the flame aura link, I started out paying attention to Scorp's arms, and would go into the 214 just before I saw his elbows begin to drop, I'd also listen to the sound of the flame. I just practice relying on those audio and visual cues until the timing becomes natural through repetition and muscle memory.

Deadly Torcher

King Dingaling
I don't think it would be to tough, ie, in practise mode, put the combo inputs on screen & as you're doing them they light up or make a sound just to let you know when & how short the window actually is.

As for the Scorp timing, I'm about to throw the towel in, I use inferno anyway but really liked a lot of the combos I seen for Hellfire & thought I'd give them a go, I'm trying 21 FA 214 constantly & I can't get it at all.