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Time to wakeup FINLANDs MK9:ers

Hi MK9:ers!!

Im very aware of the situation in Finlands MK9 scene and I want to try give it a little boost with this thread! Hopefully with some success. Fingers crossed.


Im sad to say that MK9 is dead in Finland as far as i know. Not a single "major" local tournament picks our beloved game and there are many things that we can blame it on. Fact is that we have the players in here to make an active scene like they have in US. We just need to find one another. My opinion is that ONLINE F****up the game it coz of the lagg. <- read Solution


Reaction to this problem ( ONLINE ? ) was that people stopped playing active and moved on to play in casual"MODE", stopped for good or changed to another game. <- read Online


As i said in " Problem " we the FINNS need to find one another and make this problem to vanish. How this is gonna happen ? > small local tournaments are the solution and by attending to them we will get noticed by major local tournaments. <- read Tournaments


Online is a problem thats a fact but imo its playable. Ive played alot against my friends online and its laggless. Ive played online against players from approad with lagg and without. What im trying to say is that you need to pick your opponents to practice with.
Alot of this lagg comes from internet connection > most of it comes from wireless or bad connection ( 1/1 , 2/1 . . . . . ) these small connections are playable but PLS do not use wireless. You may have a laggless connection but if your opponent doesnt endgame will be lagg.


PTPry is hosting a small MK9-league in PORI, FINLAND. League will be held in three different dates / events; PTP21 ( 26.1.2013 ), PTP22 ( TBA ) & Luminyrkki ( March ?.?.2013 ) First two tournaments will decide four best players attending to FINALS held in March @ Luminyrkki event. Finals we be streamed online and i will try to upload videos from first two events ( if possible ).

We'v had 10 players in latest tournaments. We also have casual tournaments held in someones aparment and i will announce dates to thos "events" later on. YOU ARE MORE THEN WELCOME TO PLAY WITH US. PM ME IF U ARE INTERESTED OR JUST SHOW UP!

Peace, Love & Mortal Kombat
