My right and left thumb fucking hurt after playing this game, its unreal. I dont think I can play it lol. Anybody else have this or is just me?
I like the game alot but if feels like a knife is jabbing my thumb
At first these are jokes, but then they can develop into a serious problem. This may be due to overstrain of the muscles or joints, for example due to improper hitting technique or incorrect equipment. However, more serious causes are also possible, such as injury, arthritis, or other inflammatory diseases. Since this pain interferes with your enjoyment of the game and has a negative impact on your life, go to the doctor! Then you will say thank you again. I myself am studying to become a doctor and recently I was just looking for nursing research topics, I used for this. Don't ignore finger pain, even if it seems minor. Seeing a doctor early can help prevent the condition from getting worse and help find effective treatment. This is my personal advice. It’s better to get checked and not suffer than the other way around.