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@EMPEROR_OF_OUTWORLD Since Kotal Kahn is the new Emperor of outworld how do you feel about that? I mean you are "dead" so what will you do against the Aztec Warrior?
YOU WITLESS MORTAL I WILL BE IN MKX .. YOU WILL SEE ... I WILL BE PLAYABLE .. LMAO .. but foreal Im always late on mkx information .. I want to consume the kotal khan character but turns out hes actually a good guy .. THIS BAFFLES ME !!!

Ra Helios

Omnipotent God-like Selina Kyle Player
YOU WITLESS MORTAL I WILL BE IN MKX .. YOU WILL SEE ... I WILL BE PLAYABLE .. LMAO .. but foreal Im always late on mkx information .. I want to consume the kotal khan character but turns out hes actually a good guy .. THIS BAFFLES ME !!!
More so the black dragon then the brother hood of shadows but we can always make pretend.


You can be Goro lol.

Ra Helios

Omnipotent God-like Selina Kyle Player

If Shao not available you can use Shinnok. He is the King of the brother hood of shadows or whoever is the final boss on the ladder.

I also do have a feeling Shao will be available as well, once shinnok is taken out. Quan chi might ressurect him. He might be the character to unlock once you beat the game