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General/Other Theory about doomsday's Sheeva stomp

I haven't tested this out yet but I'm curious... Can you b+3/f+3 mb to punish it since I believe it's a one-hitter?


Milky Holmes
I play Aquaman mostly.

I do that against doomsday.

For two meter, I can do 45% on him for trying that trick.


Come and Get it!
now the next step in meta is going to revolve around meaty novas.

B/F+3 can't be meter burned for the armor on the first frame(s). Against a meaty Nova, one has to back dash to avoid it! however the counter to that would be to delay the nova even more to have it strike the opponent later during non invincibly portion of the backdash.

So it will depend heavily on the opponents ability to eye the timing and react accordingly to the meaty/non meaty nova.
the similar tool set that Ares players utilize with their unblockable God-Dunk!.
If only DD's Ex Nova allowed for combos afterwards like Ares ;)(yeeeaaaaassss)

But this is getting ahead of ourselves, until people learn to properly and consistently counter full screen scrub tactics...
Random Full Screen Ex Novas it is! Bring on the hate mail :)


I main Doomy McDoomerton and I love using supernova without MB to make people waste meter then throw in a MB'd supernova and catch them off guard. It works surprisingly well. If it's really an issue trait before a MB nova so you won' get punished. Commence hating life as we know it.
Use Doomsday's Telestomp as sparingly as possible. Full combo punish by all the cast in many different ways. Better to work your way into shoulder range and use EX shoulder instead and be +frames on block than to attempt this move in the majority of instances.