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Tech The Zyphox Loop :)


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
MOD close thread, its an irrelevant loop, i got too much shit trying to prove a point that shazam is good, i spent 30 minutes in training mode, found this "tech" that i didn't see anywhere else because i didn't look around for it, a training mode bug caused me to think it hit both high and low so the loop doesnt work because its took risky, and i dont want people to blow me up futher for irrelavant tech, thank you based mod.


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
I like this loop too, super hard to get out of:

credits to Huber

yeah very good loop there i didnt think of that one, i got scared because i tested on the cpu and did 22 grab and in between grab i press start to put to cpu to duck without blocking and it didnt work :( but then i forgot you cant just duck in this game without blocking :p


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
EGP Wonder_Chef i found another loop using huber tech in the corner, just do regular 22 HM then HM again into jumping 22 HM into HM and so on, if you try waking up you can bait and punish their wake up, and you can cross them up after the first HM into this said loop, shazam is nuts lol