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The Zero Balls Master - Excuse Extraordinaire


Let me tell you guys some back story on this individual called m2dave. I first met this dude way back in 2007 through an online series in MK:A. After our set of matches were over, I was giving him props for having the best Dairou I ever came across. He starts complaining about how I used lag tactics to win and promises that off-line I would get my ass beat. To this day, I still wait for m2dave to man up and keeps his word on that promise against my Sareena. It's almost 2013, and it's never happened.

Now fast forward to 2011-2012, m2dave is still the same coward and excuse maker he has been since I known him day one. This man has the nerve to constantly call players out and disrespect them, and then doesn't have the balls to money match in the end. m2dave refused to money match me at EVO and Raleigh. He will most likely refuse to money match Skar or any other player who may pose a threat in actually beating him. This is the kind of player m2dave will always be portrayed as in my mind. He's had six years to change his awful attitude and chooses to remain the same.

Just know that anything m2dave says shouldn't be taken serious at all. In the end, he is one of the biggest cowards and excuse makers in this community. He does nothing more than pound his chest all day fishing for ridiculous compliments and titles that are nothing short of silly. I'm going to end this with proposing a $50 money match at NEC (or any other tournament we meet at), just to prove my point that you are all bark and no bite. Zone this all you want.

AREZ God of War

The Crazy BeastMaster
I didn't know there were Sareenas who DIDN'T use lag tactics in MKA......

actually, there were very few characters that DIDN'T do better online as a result of lag, so I think everyone is guilty of that that played MKA online lol. There were a few textbook-offline style players but not many.