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The Wharf ATTN: All Online TYM Users!


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
If I didn't hate dubstep with a passion I would make a video to this.
dubstep isn't too bad, i happen to like skrillex tho. That reptile theme is awesome :D.


i can think of something i could post, but i can't at the moment cuz of the college computer >.>


Blue Blurs for Life!
Okay guys, listen up.

At 5 P.M. CST, the Wharf will be opened and streamed as always. However, it will end after three hours so that the Sub-Zero forum may prepare for tonight's character council. I don't need to tell you the channel to go to for both programs.

I will see you all in over forty minutes.

And... :( Please give your thoughts to those who were deprived of their beloved families from the Connecticut school shooting of today. An incident like that is truly a shot to everyone's hearts. We shall wish them a swift recovery and go on to bring our hearts and souls to this incoming Christmas season. May God be with them.


Blue Blurs for Life!
Sorry guys, but due to connection issues beyond my control, the Wharf was called off early. :(

See you for the Sub-Zero Kouncil tonight, as that is still going to happen.


Blue Blurs for Life!
The Wharf goes live in a few minutes. Apologies for the lateness, I had to run an errand or two.

Better yet, I'm now playing wired on the PS3, so hopefully it will cut down on the lag. We will see.


Christmas is a week away! Let's celebrate with a bloody bang!


Blue Blurs for Life!
Going live, people!


And a quick note: my stream service may suffer a short interruption because I have to hit up a Skype meeting with my HxC staff, but once that is done I will immediately bring back the show, so don't leave once it goes offline!

See you there.


Blue Blurs for Life!
Tonight's MK stream goes live at 7 P.M. CST. Consider this a celebratory occasion about this whole "End of the World" thing. :D

Now, when Monday of the following week rolls around, I'm afraid I won't be streaming that day because I will be out of town for a while to celebrate the Christmas holidays. So if pherleece is available, I may let him take over. We'll see what he says now that I've tagged him.

Happy holidays, TYM!


Tonight's MK stream goes live at 7 P.M. CST. Consider this a celebratory occasion about this whole "End of the World" thing. :D

Now, when Monday of the following week rolls around, I'm afraid I won't be streaming that day because I will be out of town for a while to celebrate the Christmas holidays. So if pherleece is available, I may let him take over. We'll see what he says now that I've tagged him.

Happy holidays, TYM!
so are you baisically asking me if i can stream a PS3 KOTH on xmas eve?


well on xmas eve i have a lot to do, i fisrt have to go see my side of the family and about 7pmEST i have to then go see my girls side of the family. im guessing ill be home somewhere around 11pm-12am EST so if i get home and no one else is streaming, i may run something =]


Blue Blurs for Life!
well on xmas eve i have a lot to do, i fisrt have to go see my side of the family and about 7pmEST i have to then go see my girls side of the family. im guessing ill be home somewhere around 11pm-12am EST so if i get home and no one else is streaming, i may run something =]
Run it as early or late as need be. :)


Blue Blurs for Life!
Sorry guys, I won't be opening the Wharf tonight. :( I'm still out of town. But tomorrow is a definite guarantee for my return, at which point the Baraka Kouncil will take place. Please check the Baraka forum for more information.


Blue Blurs for Life!
Jeez, guys, does it have to fall to me to keep the Wharf alive? We'll look sour going into Injustice at this rate.

So anyhow, with the Christmas/New Year holidays at an end (at least for another 355 days, give or take a few), we will go back to our regular schedule of streaming Mortal Kombat 9 during every Friday. If, however, it would fit the majority of you to open the Wharf on Saturday or Sunday instead, do say so.

Unfortunately, I am doing away with the tradition of holding multi-player gatherings in King of the Hill. I'm sorry, but it's been too frustrating trying to maintain it without server issues. Even when I wired up my stream and PS3 instead of using Wi-Fi, it did little to solve the problem. So unless anybody wants to face each other on my stream in first-to-five formats, I am going all one-versus-one.

And if anyone does want to face one another, we will never use public King of the Hill settings again. They will be private from this point on. And instead of me leaving to be re-invited after each fight, we'll use the Sans Power kombat kode (044-440) which will provide a sudden death match in which only one hit will secure an outcome, so that my turn will pass quickly and you guys can get back to your fighting. Credit goes to Pig Of The Hut for inspiring the idea to use this code.

I hope you all are enjoying the new quality my stream is providing. Apologies for the occasional delay and out-of-sync audio, clearly HD PVRs are not the best medium for streaming. However, as per some advice I will be ordering a Roxio HD Game Cap card through Amazon to kill off these issues. Once that's done, the transformation for my channel will be complete. :)

I've also got greater streaming plans coming soon...a thread will be released to explain it all. Look out for it.

AdmiralAugustus GuamoKun Playpal Joker8417 Cossner

ETC AdmiralAugustus

Grabble Frazzled
Blake, don't make me make you my rear admiral!!!!!!


If you're having stream issues, then by all means stream privately. (That's where the juicy stuff is anyway :O:O:O:O:O)

I do, however, still think the traditional KOTH should be set up in The Wharf room. If you want stream time, fight blake and friends. If you want actual fun, join the KOTH. I mean - after all - The Wharf is about having a good time with weirdos like GuamoKun and Big Frog, and I feel it's important to keep that aspect.

*most intelligent Wharf post evahhhhh

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
;_; I always miss the wharf when it goes up. And I don't know admirals talking about, the wharf is serious fucking business, players are always sober and playpal never bitches about frame data in online play.

ETC AdmiralAugustus

Grabble Frazzled

Since you're too Hollywood to respond on PSN, Imma ask here.

We should do a Wharf night where we play SF2012. Stream an Endless Battle. I think it would be a fun change of pace for one night.

I have tomorrow and Tuesday off of work if you wanted to do it then. Let me know, man.