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The Weekly TYM Mains Tournament Round 2 (Oct. 13)


TYM White Knight
If you want to sign up for the tournament on October 13th, first you must receive a main in the other thread (http://www.testyourmight.com/threads/let-tym-pick-your-weekly-main-round-2-oct-6-oct-13.24422/#post-555989)

Tournament will be First to 3 all the way through. Character Lock will be in effect. Finals will be first to 5 with the losers champion having to reset in order to win.

Post your gamertag/psn name along with the character that was chosen for you. This will start at 8pm EST Saturday October 13th.

If you cannot make it, please do not sign up :)


@0-Beef_Supreme-0 is kindly donating a copy of Mortal Kombat Trilogy to the winner of the Playstation tournament.

XBOX 360

No announced prize as of yet.


So a new NEW main? Different from the one elected in the previous week?

Sent from my jailbroken iPhone using a pirated copy of Tapatalk


TYM White Knight
Updated! If anyone has a prize they would like to donate for the Xbox 360 side, let me know and I will update the original post.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
GT: Sgt Reed 24

PEOPLE, PLEASE READ THE RULES THIS TIME! Had half the tourney playing FT3 and the other half playing Best of 3.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Even at 9est?
Sat is the most atrocious day to be able to do something like this for me:
either have a show with a band im performing in
have to work sundays at 7am which means if im doing no other activities that night for another job i sleep at 11pm
family night w wife
College football season if im not working a game im watching one
Working College football radio broadcasts 1690am/1190am
etc etc





Sent from my jailbroken iPhone using a pirated copy of Tapatalk