'The Cage Mage'
Facing GA's online, I don't think I've ever seen the two moves 'sky alert' or 'dead on' used at all. They're amazing moves if you use them correctly.
Sky Alert (DB1) is fantastic for starting a combo on an airborne opponent like cross-up happy Batmans or when a gadget/acrobatic character uses a corner intractable to leap over you.
You can 11/22 into an ice arrow or just B3 if they're high enough.
Dead on ( AIR DB1) is fantastic to use on characters charging at you like Bane or Flash's running man. Neutral jump, then use the move as they pass under you.
A meterburn version will give you a hard knockdown, otherwise you have advantage on hit.
It's fantastic to use against an opponent's wake up and it's effectiveness increases tenfold when you got your opponent in the corner.
Upon connection of a regular 'dead on', you can straight into your d1/b2~arrows mix up game.
So yeah. Hope this helps anyone who hasn't been using these moves to their full advantage
Sky Alert (DB1) is fantastic for starting a combo on an airborne opponent like cross-up happy Batmans or when a gadget/acrobatic character uses a corner intractable to leap over you.
You can 11/22 into an ice arrow or just B3 if they're high enough.
Dead on ( AIR DB1) is fantastic to use on characters charging at you like Bane or Flash's running man. Neutral jump, then use the move as they pass under you.
A meterburn version will give you a hard knockdown, otherwise you have advantage on hit.
It's fantastic to use against an opponent's wake up and it's effectiveness increases tenfold when you got your opponent in the corner.
Upon connection of a regular 'dead on', you can straight into your d1/b2~arrows mix up game.
So yeah. Hope this helps anyone who hasn't been using these moves to their full advantage