Back with an updated list of the current top 100 players in MK1 is Poseidon! He has been cranking out wonderful videos covering the current competitive MK happenings. Enjoy his break down with results and footage of the current top 100 mk players in the world.
Author: @Poseidon
"Each player had to meet one of these five requirements 1. Play in one Major MK1 offline tournament (70 or more entrances) 2. Play in at least 2 online MK1 pro kompetition events 3. Play in a finale of one of these events: Champion of the realms The Kolosseum R1ps Arena 4. Play in 5 online events of 40 or more entrances hosted by 3 different organizations from [1/1/24-6/30/24] 5. Played in at least 5 local or regional level tournaments (less than 70 entrances) 6. A combination of these can be used as well, some requirements were lowered for regions with less competitive players, if interested in the extent of those please reach out to me."
100-91 - Bwood, Sircocoabutter, Herkuhlez, Michaelcerafan, SIX, AVOReigns, TheAlphabet, 2EZ, Cossner
90-81 - YoAJ, iScorpion, Curbolicious, Chocolate, Burrito Vorhees, MagicTea, Lankyness, WannianLaoer, Jusmeezy
80-71 - Jchan, Sangue Frio, Fesogabe, Silensreturn, Honeybee, yakuzzaknight, hdope, ktop, splash, perfectshini
70-61 - Lawcorridor, gustavopage, Skar, alightyadonis, yadrielelpunk, young chiquelo, semiij, ludi, deadlyrebel
60-51 - Moody, Shuletah, Wraith, Waz, Woolender, Hodie, vyletz, soulsclue, beyondtoxin, illuminati
50-41 - bryanlorran, sparkz, pure, onlincale, arrona, joshtq, DJT, joystick, broseph, roethor
40-31 - boki, disarted, rinzler, Euphoring, justnasty, Han Rashid, rednose, Hayatei, Sooneo, getrekedyo
30-21 - Pulse, Bigdaddyg, Mari, dexydawg, makoran, konqueror, Akstar, Agamottos eye, Zeeus, Rewind
20-11 - WizeGemini, KingGambler, Elcucuy, Gui Exeptional, KillerXinnok, Grr, MKJavier, Hourglass of Rain, Dyloch, Bandinoz
10-1 - Kanimani, Tekken Master, Xombat, VideoGamesYo, ScorpionProcs, TheMightyUnjust, Faysal, Ninjakilla, Nicolas, SonicFox
Author: @Poseidon
"Each player had to meet one of these five requirements 1. Play in one Major MK1 offline tournament (70 or more entrances) 2. Play in at least 2 online MK1 pro kompetition events 3. Play in a finale of one of these events: Champion of the realms The Kolosseum R1ps Arena 4. Play in 5 online events of 40 or more entrances hosted by 3 different organizations from [1/1/24-6/30/24] 5. Played in at least 5 local or regional level tournaments (less than 70 entrances) 6. A combination of these can be used as well, some requirements were lowered for regions with less competitive players, if interested in the extent of those please reach out to me."
100-91 - Bwood, Sircocoabutter, Herkuhlez, Michaelcerafan, SIX, AVOReigns, TheAlphabet, 2EZ, Cossner
90-81 - YoAJ, iScorpion, Curbolicious, Chocolate, Burrito Vorhees, MagicTea, Lankyness, WannianLaoer, Jusmeezy
80-71 - Jchan, Sangue Frio, Fesogabe, Silensreturn, Honeybee, yakuzzaknight, hdope, ktop, splash, perfectshini
70-61 - Lawcorridor, gustavopage, Skar, alightyadonis, yadrielelpunk, young chiquelo, semiij, ludi, deadlyrebel
60-51 - Moody, Shuletah, Wraith, Waz, Woolender, Hodie, vyletz, soulsclue, beyondtoxin, illuminati
50-41 - bryanlorran, sparkz, pure, onlincale, arrona, joshtq, DJT, joystick, broseph, roethor
40-31 - boki, disarted, rinzler, Euphoring, justnasty, Han Rashid, rednose, Hayatei, Sooneo, getrekedyo
30-21 - Pulse, Bigdaddyg, Mari, dexydawg, makoran, konqueror, Akstar, Agamottos eye, Zeeus, Rewind
20-11 - WizeGemini, KingGambler, Elcucuy, Gui Exeptional, KillerXinnok, Grr, MKJavier, Hourglass of Rain, Dyloch, Bandinoz
10-1 - Kanimani, Tekken Master, Xombat, VideoGamesYo, ScorpionProcs, TheMightyUnjust, Faysal, Ninjakilla, Nicolas, SonicFox
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