Tell me in this thread WHY you think you will defeat Reo-I have the one and only character that can beat kabal and I have mastered him
Tell me what character you plan to use to defeat the evil Reo-Kung Lao
Tell me your dedication to this task and how many hours you will put forth to get the job DONE- At my job I now have the ability to play MK on my vita up to 5 hours a day, plus additional hours at home online and any casuals with Konqrr (who plays a sick kabal )which are typically weekly
Why Should I put you on this Elite Hunting Squad? I will not lose
I will join if you want haha. I have never played REO before offline, I used to play him online all the time a long time ago. Like before EVO 2011 lol. But hey if I can beat Detroit's Kabal maybe I can beat REO's I heard he is going to Frosty Faustings so we will see
I will join if you want haha. I have never played REO before offline, I used to play him online all the time a long time ago. Like before EVO 2011 lol. But hey if I can beat Detroit's Kabal maybe I can beat REO's I heard he is going to Frosty Faustings so we will see