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The Relaunch of YoKappa.TV!


8WAYRUN.TV (home of The Break stream)

I originally launched the forums a few months back; but ran into some resistance. There were already so many forums out there, usually far more focused as well, that it was pretty impossible for us to generate an audience. So after a couple of months, I decided to shut the forums down. Since then, I have been struggling to find a reason, some way to make a new forum stand out amongst all the others.

So the new YoKappa.TV is what I came up with. I originally set up a hard-coded version of my channel at 8WAYRUN.TV. I set up the page because I found myself jumping around from service to service as I tried them all out. One week I would be on Twitch, another would have me to YouTube, and more recently I've even been trying out Hitbox. Switching from service to service came with a price; every week I had to keep updating my viewers of the new channel URL. Setting up a static page for all my streams allowed me the ability to give my fans a single, non-changing URL that would always display my current stream, no matter service I was streaming to at the time.

Last year, Twitch redesigned their web site so that users who traversed their web site would have a unified experience. No matter which stream they watched, they would have a consistent experience across the board. While this was great for Twitch's branding; this was terrible for a streamer's branding as they couldn't stand out amongst the crowd. Having my own page allowed me to more personalize my streams. I was able to provided a unified experience for MY viewers, instead of Twitch's viewers.

Pretty quickly I got messages from fellow streamers who asked if I could help them set up their own static pages. Rather then help them all on an individual basis, with hard-coded websites; I figured I could put my programming skills to good use. I decided to rewrite my page, and have it built dynamically using the various tools you now see available on this website. And of course, I decided to release these tools to the community for free and try to promote YoKappa.TV.
