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The Quitting Smoking Thread


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
My father used to smoke for years, then quit when I was 8...then started again few years later and quit again for good this time think around 4-5 years ago now? Plus he's diabetic so it's better this way. Smokers only shorten their lifespan, so yeah...fuck Smoking..
Hey guys this thread hasn't been used in a while so I thought I'd share my story.
I started at the fresh age of 16. Been a chimney since. I'm 21 now and finally trying to quit. It's day one and it feels like I have much more free time during the day. it's incredible lol. Oh yeah, doing the cold turkey method. Worked for about 10 months when I was 18 but with determination I'll learn to hate these damn sticks again


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
instead of, "Wheres smoke, theres fire" it should be "Where theres smoke, there's cancer". :eek:


MK Mad Decent
I bought an electric cigarette kit after 7 years of smoking. Used that for a little over a month and haven't has a cigarette or electronic cigarette in over 5 months. I still think about it though.


i've thankfully never tried smoking and hopefully never will. best of luck to everyone who is trying to quit. three of my close friends are former smokers and it was really tough for them in the interim. one kept a journal and marked every day off cigarettes and wrote about any temptations or triggers he faced that day. helped him get some perspective and have an outlet.

one day at a time!


I would totally get this Prodigy V3 Vaporizer if it didn't look like a massive metal vibrator.

I like e-cigs because they're about the size of a cigarette and a little more discrete lol. I quit (e-cig) though since it ended up costing more then rolling my own cigarettes with how much I smoke.

That was a few years ago though, I'll have to look into this again since it's become a lot more popular.


I Pikachu while you shower.
No way I am gonna quit smoking, I am too young and too healthy. Also they taste gdlk, makes me feel relaxed.