Figured I might as well put this here in case anyone's interested. I love breeding and I have a lot of extra pokemon that I kinda want to get rid of. I'm not really looking for anything in return, but I would love an Aftermath Trubbish/Garbodor if you have it (or Leftovers or an Eviolite you have one to spare

). These are just taking up box space so if you want something let me know. Keep in mind that some more breeding is probably going to have to be done to get the stats that you need, but this will give you a head start, especially with the Egg Moves. Pokemon in bold are ones that I feel don't need anymore breeding as they have ideal stats (imo). Subject to change
Audino: Calm nature, Regenerator, 5 Perfect IVs (-HP), 4 Egg Moves (Healing Wish, Encore, Heal Bell, Wish), Male
Castform: Timid nature, Forecast, 5 Perfect IVs (-HP), 1 Egg Move (Future Sight), Female
Chatot: Impish nature, Tangled Feet, 5 Perfect IVs (-Atk), 2 Egg Moves (Nasty Plot, Boomburst), Female
Chatot: Lonely nature, Tangled Feet, 5 Perfect IVs (-Atk), 2 Egg Moves (Nasty Plot, Boomburst), Male
Chimecho: Timid nature, Levitate, 5 Perfect IVs (-Speed), 1 Egg Move (Future Sight), Female
Drifloon: Adamant nature, Unburden, 5 Perfect IVs (-Atk), 2 Egg Moves (Body Slam, Destiny Bond), Female
Drifloon: Adamant nature, Unburden, 5 Perfect IVs (-Def), 2 Egg Moves (Body Slam, Destiny Bond), Male
Ferroseeds: Relaxed nature, Iron Barbs, 4 Perfect IVs (31 in HP Def and SpD, 0 in Speed), 4 Egg Moves (Spikes, Stealth Rock, Seed Bomb, Leech Seed). One's a male and the other's a female
Klefki: Lax nature, Prankster, 5 Perfect IVs (-Def), 1 Egg Move (Spikes), Male
Natu: Timid nature, Magic Bounce (HA), Perfect HP Def and SpD IVs, 4 Egg Moves (Synchronoise, Quick Attack, Roost, Feather Dance), Male
Porygon: Bold nature, Trace, 5 Perfect IVs (-SpA)
Scraggy: Jolly nature, Shed Skin, 5 Perfect IVs (-Atk), 4 Egg Moves (Dragon Dance, Drain Punch, Fake Out, Ice Punch), Male
Scraggy: Jolly nature, Moxie, 5 Perfect IVs (-HP), 4 Egg Moves (Dragon Dance, Drain Punch, Fake Out, Ice Punch), Female
Scraggy: Jolly nature, Shed Skin, 5 Perfect IVs (-SpD), 4 Egg Moves (Dragon Dance, Drain Punch, Fake Out, Ice Punch), Female
Seviper: Modest nature, Shed Skin, 5 Perfect IVs (-Atk), 1 Egg Move (Switcheroo), Male
Seviper: Modest nature, Infiltrator, 5 Perfect IVs (-Atk), 1 Egg Move (Switcheroo), Female
Shuckle: Rash nature, Gluttony, 5 Perfect IVs (-SpA), Female
Shuckle: Quirky nature, Sturdy, 5 Perfect IVs (-Speed), Female
Shuckle: Jolly nature, Sturdy, 4 Perfect IVs (-HP, - Def), 1 Egg Move (Acupressure), Male