Dropper of Bass and Bombs
Word homie. I'll be homeLolololol. I should be able to do it as soon as I get home from work today. I'd say I'll hit you up around 7-8ish.
Word homie. I'll be homeLolololol. I should be able to do it as soon as I get home from work today. I'd say I'll hit you up around 7-8ish.
Nice!got an eon ticket today in Toronto at the train station! soft reset about 10 times and got a 4iv modest![]()
Looooool dat read on the switch at the end.
Yeah it was one of those moments where I was like...yeah...I'm the best.Looooool dat read on the switch at the end.
Nice. Ready when you are man.@STRYKIE I have Ho Oh ready to trade. We can trade when I get home from work if you're down.
LOL. Let's hope that the guy on the other end didn't turn out to be Santhrax, if you get my drift...Looooool dat read on the switch at the end.
Yeah I'll be on in just a sec.Hey @Joker8417, you around to make my scared cactus a happy cactus?
Yeah I'll be on in just a sec.
What do hax do in Pokemonshowdown?Got top 10 in RU yesterday! rank 9 last time I checked. Game that got me into top 10
Not even sorry for the hax lol, I lost so many games that would have got me top 10 before due to hax. it's nice to have it the other way for once. Also I have no sympathy for anyone who plays those types of teams, especially with that dam fish. If you want to play a team that takes 100 turns each battle, you better expect haxs. Oh and it was weird that guy in the chat knew my sets lol.
Hax is just a term used for "bad luck." Like him freezing Cresselia was "hax." He got the "freeze hax." Used in verb form, it would be "Visceral haxed the shit out of his Cresselia." If someone gets paralyzed and can't move that's parahax. Someone flinches someone it's flinch hax. That sort of thing.What do hax do in Pokemonshowdown?
Also, fuck people who take too long to pick a damn move.
Oh, I thought he meant literal hack, not joke hax, didn't even think of that.Hax is just a term used for "bad luck." Like him freezing Cresselia was "hax." He got the "freeze hax." Used in verb form, it would be "Visceral haxed the shit out of his Cresselia." If someone gets paralyzed and can't move that's parahax. Someone flinches someone it's flinch hax. That sort of thing.
I'll do that for you as soon as I can np. Sorry I just saw this. FYI, Audino still isn't cool.Also, @Joker8417, hate to bother you, but if you're free at some point during the rest of your life, would you be able to fix my Audino as well? I bred it to be Calm with 252 SpD (cuz I bred it before I knew it was going to be a mega. Yeah that's right. I used Audino before it was cool. What of it?) but I think with Mega Audino Bold with 252 Def and Calm Mind works better.
Sweetness. Just let me know when you can and I'll be onI'll do that for you as soon as I can np. Sorry I just saw this. FYI, Audino still isn't cool.
It's pretty annoying when I'm trying to battle and all I see is a cloud puff I'll admit.Sweetness. Just let me know when you can and I'll be on
And Audino's cooler than you're little cloud thing. Like what kind of evolution is that? "Altaria is reacting to Joker's Mega Bracelet! It now has explosive cloud diarrhea!" Pls
I'll let you have mine. I brought mine over from Y so I have an extra. You need Castform to catch a legendary?Also, could I bprrow someone's castform? I accidentally released mine and I found out it's the only one in the game. I need it to catch a couple of legendaries though. Actually I might just hit up GTS.
Thanks! Yeah you need him for thundurus and tornadus.I'll let you have mine. I brought mine over from Y so I have an extra. You need Castform to catch a legendary?
Fuck youuuuuuu, Audino still isn't cool.
I wish that ho got better tutor moves.Delphox's battle cry gives me life.