LOL Terrymasters,
You either post about jamma boards/arcade parts wich is great if you ask me OR you just keep posting console nonesense in each thread you get the opportunity to do so and it always has a personal tone to it sooner or later, even when it's something that's not aimed at you personally or downgrading to your playstation (whatever that means).
Fanboys are pretty fucking pathetic period and I for one would really appreciate if you would stop labeling and categorising people you do not even know based on your personal view about petty arguments or what a handfull of people may have done ELSEWHERE, it's fucking lame and not really mature, get over the whole toy story man, seriously.
You end your rant about beeing mature and quoting Hulk Hogan (wtf?!) while you do just what you claim that PS3 owners do not do, troll.. Uncalled or not, even on Youtube, dude what-the-hell ?
Besides I don't know if anyone told you this, but your research means nothing, at all.
Just like people that have a certain oppinion about a gaming device, they do not have to fit your personal psychology type profile, or is that something you researched aswell and you alone hold the absolute truth to?
Seriously, I don't want to start a fight but this is getting ridiculous, let it go man, people STOPPED caring along fucking time ago.