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the *Official* X-Ray Discussion Thread


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This thread is basically for rating and also making suggestions to make certains characters X-Ray moves better. Some have 2 brutal blows and others have 3 or 4? Anyway, use this thread to make suggestions on how to improve their X-Ray's as well as compliment the ones you like.

I'm going to list my favorites from 1 (being the best) and 10+ (being the worst)

1. Cyrax: the in-air pile-driver easily makes this one the best so far
2. Sektor: the teleport uppercut to start it off made me cringe. Love it.
3. Jax: the back-breaker is most fitting for Jax
4. Johnny Cage: the nut punches fit him like a glove and I wouldn't change anything
5. Reptile: The only reason I like this one is how many hits it has. There's really nothing signature to Reptile so that's why he's at #5 on my list
6. Nightwolf: He uses hos tomahawks and that's mainly why I like it, because it's signature to him in that way.
7. Sub-Zero: Out of all of them I think this one gives me a headache only because it has such a brutal blow to the head. Not my favorite but I'm not sure I would change anything.
8. Scorpion: Kinda plain and boring, but the hits are hard and it is fitting to Scorpion but it could be better/signature to him.
9. Kung Lao: It's over too fast and it leaves you wanting more. IMO, his X-Ray should involve his "flip" throw from UMK3. Think of the possibilities there... your opponent basically diving head first in to the ground:

10. Mileena: The most boring and by far the worst X-Ray in the game. Again, this needs to be more signature to her and not just two random hits. This one seems half-assed, imo.


Earthrealm's biggest STAR
They better change Mileena's, i hope it's a place-holder. It's not unique, and after seeing a glimpse of Kitana's X-Ray, they really need to give Mileena something better- she can use her sais- or maybe even her nails. The one she has as of now, it's the one Jonathan performs on the reveal trailer- this gives me hope- they might change it.