I found some new combos for thunder god Raiden recently. The Focus is getting the maximum damage in the corner. Midscreen combos dont need to be improved because they only carry the opponent to the corner where you should deal the most damage.
Note: A good Raiden Player uses the standing reset in the corner but if you play differently; use these maximum damaging combos
Note: Almost every combo consist of a tight thunderball cancel, so you should be already able to perform them.
Note: If you have Improvements or better combos, you can post them as well.
Note: All the following combos are found by myself, i did not search up, wether they are found before.
Note: You can change the electrocute in whatever you want (Grab,Superman....)
-Overhead: 1 meter
B2,B2,B14,cancel,214 shocker, 213, f12b2(hold), f12b2(hold), electrocute ~ 48%
B2,B2,214 shocker,B14,cancel, f12b2(hold),[ f12b2(hold) or B32(hold], electrocute ~ 47% (very tight cancel)
B2,B2,214shocker,B14,cancel, f12b2(hold), f12b2(hold) electrocute ~ 46%
B2,B2,B14,cancel,214shocker,B32(hold), f12b2(hold) electrocute ~46%
B2,B2,214shocker,B32, f12b2(hold),electrocute ~ 45% (no cancel)
-Overhead: no meter
B2,B2,B14,cancel,213, f12b2(hold), f12b2(hold), f1 electrocute ~ 40%
B2,B2,213, f12b2(hold), f12b2(hold) electrocute ~ 37% (no cancel)
-Low: 1 meter
B33 shocker,B2,B14,cancel,213, f12b2(hold), f12b2(hold) electrocute ~42% (very tight cancel)
B33 shocker,B14,cancel,213,213, f12b2(hold), f12b2(hold) electrocute ~ 40%
-Low: no meter
B32(not hold), 213,B14,cancel,213, f12b2(hold), f12b2(hold) electrocute ~ 30%
B32(not hold), B14,cancel,213,213, f12b2(hold), f12b2(hold) electrocute ~ 30%
B32(not hold), 213,B14,cancel,214 electrocute ~ 28%
Shocker,B2,B14,cancel,213, f12b2(hold), f12b2(hold) electrocute ~38%
Shocker,B2,214 electrocute ~33% (no cancel)
Njp,F2,B2,B14,cancel,213, f12b2(hold), f12b2(hold) electrocute 32%