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So the amount of hatemail I get from people who refuse to block and dash is overwhelming. It's becoming damn near every match. Therefore I've decided, since we'll all be getting a shit ton, Post the entertaining hatemail you receive here.

From last night,

"Why buy a game just to cheese?"

"You are the biggest foggot"

"I can't wait till he gets nerfed so I don't lose to scrubs anymore"

"learn combos"
(Get in close enough for me to hit you with one bro...)

"Whatever... You aint no chris G..."
(that one was my favorite)


Lawless Victory!
"your garbage spaming long range attacks. u suck"

(That's exactly how it was written)


Noob Saibot
I got hit with hate mail last night for using Aquaman and Deathstroke.

Guy sent me a message I was garbage for spamming Aquas trident spike. I just replied "Down Back Y".

He then sent me a voicemail telling me how people like me ruin the game and that I should go play GOW (no idea what this had to do with anything). I sent him a party invite and as soon as he joined he blew his lid.

It was glorious. I just told him basically, "If you wouldn't run like a coward and come in, I wouldn't use the spike."

He left then.

I love salty tears.


The future of law enforcement.
Premium Supporter
The Deathstroke salt is absolutely ridiculous. I was in a KOTH earlier and chose DS an the guys said "I bet he's a spammer." The match started and I blocked a jump-in and punished with Sword Flip and they were like "Yup, he's a spammer." What?

Jason Shearer

I fought a couple Deathstroke players who did nothing but zone with his guns. So I selected him (for the first time, mind you), quickly figured out his gun moves, and did the same thing in return. I won every match with him. One of them got upset because they got out-stroked, lol.

He's easy mode.


I don't give a fuck who thinks he's easy mode, I said i'd main him before the game even came out. I'll continue to main him until enough people whine and get him nerfed to the point where he's unusable in tournament and ruin it for everyone.

Playing his upclose/neutral/mixup game requires much more skill than most people think it does.


The future of law enforcement.
Premium Supporter
He really is a super straight-forward character. No resets or gimmicks, just pure skill. Effectively keeping out high-level players really does take a lot of skill and good reads.


We are Many but we didnt make MK11 not one
I don't give a fuck who thinks he's easy mode, I said i'd main him before the game even came out. I'll continue to main him until enough people whine and get him nerfed to the point where he's unusable in tournament and ruin it for everyone.

Playing his upclose/neutral/mixup game requires much more skill than most people think it does.
Yea they put all deathstroke players in the same category as spammers, brain dead, no skill. But I like it that way
cause they all think DS is all about shooting his guns but ill show em something new;)


Gaming4Satan Founder
I approve of this thread and I don't even play him.

Don't get too hot on it though, lest Slade go the way of Kano.

His zoning isn't even as annoying as a certain other character that everyone is sleeping on...

EDIT: and for the record, I think DS will end up being mid tier, upper mid tier at best