Just a few quick q's

(unless I say otherwise, I mostly use ravenous)
1) b12 vs f23 from neutral position
Based on exp and outside of combos when do you guys use either strings? Both seem safe on block and are easily cancellable.
2) approaching the opponent using mileena
She's got slow pokes (compared to say....scorp or subzero or even ermac), so constantly moving forward and d4ing isnt cutting it. Roll is too yolo for my tastes. Jumpins are too risky anyways. Only thing i can think of is casually walking up and hope the opponent sneezes, from which i can whiff punish. Help?
3) maybe my google fu is not good enough but any tips for the kotal khan MU? Or any MU whose footsies are way better? (Ie: ninjitsu scorp, naginata tanya, etc)
Thanks in adv!