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General/Other The long road to picking up Skarlet


Button Masher
So yesterday after i returned to MK i figured i'd try to learn Skarlet. i've always found her very very interesting but never tried to learn her (i'd learn a BnB or 2 but shes not one of thoses fighters where you can learn a BnB and be good) So for the next few weeks im going to be playing nothing but Skarlet ( unless im frustrated or bored then ill play mileena or if im asked to play her )

So as day 1 went ( today) shit is horrible -_- im having the worst time landing the F2,1,2 1+2 i can not land 1+2 to save my life. if any pad players can give me a tip or 2 id love you forever. Another main problem im having is Deciding to play her aggressive or defensive. or when i do decided to play aggressive idk how the heck to do it >.< i try to use F2 1 2 1+2 as a pressure string but as i said before its hard for me to land >.<. anyway thats my day 1 as Skarlet its going horrible for me i ended up getting frustrated and playing ranked as mileena to make me happy haha. If anyone can give me tips it would be greatly appreciated!

ALSO: Please add me if you have the Skarlet compatibility pack. there is NOTHING more annoying then someone not having her while im trying to learn her ):


24 Low Hat!
Bring your left thumb over from the d-pad to the 1 and use your right thumb for the 2. Its not hard once you get used to it, i do Kung Lao's 24 1+2 without fail using this method.

STB Shujinkydink

Burning down in flames for kicks
just slow it down, and think about your inputs. go into practice mode and just do it over and over again until its muscle memory. I had the same problem when I first picked her up. ive since dropped her, but I know a little if you wanna get some games in sometime? if ur on xbl my tag is STBShujinkydink


Button Masher
just slow it down, and think about your inputs. go into practice mode and just do it over and over again until its muscle memory. I had the same problem when I first picked her up. ive since dropped her, but I know a little if you wanna get some games in sometime? if ur on xbl my tag is STBShujinkydink
wait were you the quan i played in ranked today? if so i love you i got that stupid comeback achv. ( im an achv whore not gonna lie)


F2, 1, 2, 1+2 is a long string so you should have enough time to input it all with ease. Just keep practicing it and you should be able to do it with no problem. Unless you are talking about actually landing it in a match then...

Anytime you land a jump-in punch that's pretty much the best opportunity for F2, 1, 2, 1+2. You can also use it after EX Dagger Toss (dash cancel) if your opponent blocks high. It's too slow of a string to be doing anywhere else in the match (I learned that the hard way).

Skarlet isn't one of those characters that you can pick up and play after Day 1. It took me 3 months just to learn the basics. Ninj's combo thread was what really got me into learning her. You should check that out.

IMO Skarlet's a really versatile character. She can switch from offense to defense, or vise versa. Ninj plays a pretty aggressive Skarlet so you should look at some of his videos (located in another thread).

If you are on PSN then I can add you and play some Skarlet mirrors. Otherwise, you can play Ninj who is on XBL.


Button Masher
F2, 1, 2, 1+2 is a long string so you should have enough time to input it all with ease. Just keep practicing it and you should be able to do it with no problem. Unless you are talking about actually landing it in a match then...

Anytime you land a jump-in punch that's pretty much the best opportunity for F2, 1, 2, 1+2. You can also use it after EX Dagger Toss (dash cancel) if your opponent blocks high. It's too slow of a string to be doing anywhere else in the match (I learned that the hard way).

Skarlet isn't one of those characters that you can pick up and play after Day 1. It took me 3 months just to learn the basics. Ninj's combo thread was what really got me into learning her. You should check that out.

IMO Skarlet's a really versatile character. She can switch from offense to defense, or vise versa. Ninj plays a pretty aggressive Skarlet so you should look at some of his videos (located in another thread).

If you are on PSN then I can add you and play some Skarlet mirrors. Otherwise, you can play Ninj who is on XBL.

oh red btw any tips on dagger canceling?
if you want to destory my skarlet sure!
lol no no i was thinking about picking up skarlet but im just looking for a group of people on TYM who have xbl to play with. Just want to expand on the amount of friends that play MK and on a serious level


Button Masher
well just shoot me a friend request and ill be down to play when ever im on. im not a fan of playing ranked due to it being only 1 match doesnt really prove much. -_-


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
I use to really struggle with the execution 1+2 to the point where I would drop characters due to it...but you really just have tell your brain to put your right thumb over both of the buttons...it's weird.
just slow it down, and think about your inputs. go into practice mode and just do it over and over again until its muscle memory. I had the same problem when I first picked her up. ive since dropped her, but I know a little if you wanna get some games in sometime? if ur on xbl my tag is STBShujinkydink
aww really i love your skarlet ! :(